

28/03/2024 - Objectives for New Herefordshire Local Transport Plan ref: 10053    Recommendations Approved

The report seeks the approval of the objectives that will inform the development of the new Local Transport Plan (LTP) and assist in the identification of the measures and initiatives in the implementation plan. In addition, attention is brought to a revised timeline for the production and adoption of the LTP following revised guidance from the Department for Transport (DfT)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/03/2024

Effective from: 06/04/2024



a)    Cabinet approves the objectives (as set out at para 19) for the new Local Transport Plan as recommended in the report and


        b) Cabinet notes changes to the DfT’s anticipated timetable (as set out at paras.            9 and 10)for producing the new Local Transport Plan.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Geoff Pickford

23/11/2023 - Delivery Plan 2023/24 ref: 9799    Recommendations Approved

To approve the proposals for the Delivery Plan for 2023/24. Each year Cabinet is required to produce a delivery plan which sets out how the strategic ambitions for the year will be achieved.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 24/11/2023

Effective from: 30/11/2023




a) Cabinet approves the Delivery Plan 2023/24, as set out in appendix A.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Appy Reddy, Amy Pitt

09/08/2023 - Transfer/Re-allocation of Capital Funds from Schools Capital Investment Programme to Corporate Asset Review Projects ref: 9590    Recommendations Approved

To approve the spend of capital funds from Preliminary Works to inform key capital investment need through the county on corporate assets.


Decision Maker: Director of Resources and Assurance (Historic)

Decision published: 09/08/2023

Effective from: 16/08/2023



a)    £303k, is spent on the  Corporate Assets Review Projects from the Preliminary Works to inform key capital investment need (as set out in 5 a to c below) throughout the county; and

b)    The Strategic Assets Delivery Director is authorised to take all operational decisions to allocate and spend the budget to projects identified under the Corporate Asset Review Programme.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Dee Davies, Michael Griffin, Sarah Jowett

22/06/2023 - Ofsted Monitoring Visit Feedback ref: 9520    Recommendations Approved

To share the feedback from Ofsted inspectors following their first formal Monitoring Visit conducted March 29-30 2023 and activity to prepare for future Monitoring Visits.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2023

Effective from: 29/06/2023


That: a) Cabinet receive this report and note the feedback from Ofsted Inspectors.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Darryl Freeman

22/06/2023 - Quarter 4 Budget & Performance Report ref: 9523    Recommendations Approved

To review performance for Quarter 4 2022/23 and report the provisional financial outturn for revenue and capital budgets for the year ended 31 March 2023, subject to external audit.


To provide assurance that progress has been made towards delivery of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances or potential under-performance are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction.


The 2022/23 outturn shows a net overspend of £5.6 million after the use of reserves and recovery plan actions.


The proportion of performance measures showing an improvement, or remaining the same compared to the same period last year is sixty-six per cent. At the end of the quarter, seventy-five per cent of actions from the delivery plan are identified as complete or are progressing within planned timescales.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2023

Effective from: 29/06/2023


That: Cabinet, having reviewed performance and financial outturn for year 2022/23, as set out in the appendices A-F, have not identified any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvements.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Kevin Lloyd, Appy Reddy, Amy Pitt

13/06/2023 - Adoption of the Walford neighbourhood plan and consequential updates to the countywide policies map ref: 9504    For Determination

To make the Walford neighbourhood development plan as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire and approve the consequential updates to the countywide policies maps.


To fulfil the legal duty to make/adopt the Walford neighbourhood development plan and update the countywide policies map as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment

Decision published: 13/06/2023

Effective from: 20/06/2023



a)    The Walford neighbourhood development plan be made as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire; and

b)    The required consequential changes are made to the countywide policies map.

Wards affected: Kerne Bridge;

Lead officer: Samantha Banks

13/06/2023 - Adoption of the revised Ledbury neighbourhood plan and consequential updates to the countywide policies map ref: 9505    For Determination

To make the revised Ledbury neighbourhood development plan as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire and approve the consequential updates to the countywide policies maps.


To fulfil the legal duty to make /adopt the revised Ledbury neighbourhood development plan and update the countywide policies map as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment

Decision published: 13/06/2023

Effective from: 20/06/2023



a)    The revised Ledbury neighbourhood development plan be made as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire; and

b)    The required consequential changes are made to the countywide policies map.


Wards affected: Ledbury North; Ledbury South; Ledbury West;

Lead officer: Samantha Banks

15/05/2023 - Decision to increase Non-Statutory Registration Service fees and charges from 1 July 2023 to December 2025 ref: 9496    Recommendations Approved

The Registration Service is a statutory service with responsibility for registering births, deaths and marriages within the county.
Non-statutory fees apply to the conducting of a marriage or civil ceremony at either a Register Office or approved venue, and the licensing of approved venues. These increases do not include the statutory register office ceremonies which the General Register Office set at £46.
Fees for the conducting of a ceremony were last reviewed and increased in 2021, covering the period up to the end of 2023. Licence fees for approved venues have not been increased for a number of years. The proposals for new fees are attached at Appendix 1. A benchmarking exercise was undertaken comparing neighbouring authorities costs with Herefordshire’s costs (see Appendix 2).

Decision Maker: Director of Governance and Legal Services

Decision published: 26/05/2023

Effective from: 15/05/2023

Lead officer: Claire Porter

26/05/2023 - Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) Placement Sufficiency Plan    Abandoned

To approve the revised Herefordshire Capital Investment Strategy 2021-2030 For Specialist Settings Educating Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and to present options for addressing demand within 0-16 education sector

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/09/2023

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Liz Farr, Les Knight, Caroline Marshall

Notice of decision: 26/05/2023

Anticipated restriction: Open

22/05/2023 - SPF Business Enterprise Fund ref: 9495    Recommendations Approved

To administer a capital equipment grant to Herefordshire SME’s up to 31 March 2025, as part of the UKSPF Investment Plan (Business Enterprise Fund).

Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Decision published: 25/05/2023

Effective from: 22/05/2023

Lead officer: Ross Cook

18/05/2023 - Decision to lease units 4 & 5 Three Elms Trading Estate to Third Eye Brew Company ref: 9490    Recommendations Approved

1. The properties are owned by the council as part of its property investment portfolio held to deliver optimum commercial returns through rental income which is used to support the council’s strategic objectives in line with the County Plan 2020 – 2024.
2. In 2022 the council appointed Messrs Bruton Knowles LLP, Chartered Surveyors (BK) under a contract for the marketing of vacant units across the industrial portfolio and the associated negotiation of new leases with potential new Tenants.
3. Accordingly BK were instructed to market units 4 & 5 Three Elms Trading Estate and to negotiate the terms of a new lease.
4. BK have inspected the properties, and reviewed the level of market rents achievable in this location and made justified recommendations on the terms of the lease and the level of rent to be negotiated
5. Provisional agreement, subject to formal approval, has been reached with the proposed Tenant for a new lease.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 25/05/2023

Effective from: 18/05/2023

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

01/06/2022 - Award a contract to carry out building improvements including window frame repairs, localised rainwater good repairs and works to the external canopy at Governor’s House, Hereford, up to a value of £130,000 ref: 9491    Recommendations Approved

These works are part of the Capital Building Improvement Programme 2022/25.

The required improvement works have been assessed and prioritised based upon select criteria which covers health & safety, operational need/impact and lifecycle/value

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 25/05/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2022

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

18/05/2023 - Herefordshire Local Plan 2021-2041 Regulation 18 - delay to consultation ref: 9489    Recommendations Approved

To temporary postpone a public consultation upon the Draft Part 1 Herefordshire Local Plan due to take place between 19 June and 8 September 2023 whilst a review is undertaken by Cabinet Member.

To make any necessary updates to the draft Plan prior to its publication to reflect the latest evidence or national planning policy position and corporate priorities.

It was proposed to undertake the public consultation from 19 June to 08 September. However, a review is now required to ensure that the plan meeting the corporate priorities following the elections on 4 May 2023.

The Herefordshire Local Plan - Core Strategy was adopted in 2015. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires that local authorities should review their local plan every five years to determine if an update is required. Herefordshire Council resolved in November 2020 that an update of the Local Plan would be required.

Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) requires that public consultation takes place at key stages during the preparation of a Local Plan.

The new Local Plan will help shape growth and development across the county over the period from 2021 to 2041. The Plan will seek to ensure that we deliver the required homes, jobs, infrastructure and services to support growth in a way that is appropriate for the rural and historic character of the County.

During 2022 a series of public consultation exercises were undertaken upon:
• a range of potential options for the overall spatial strategy;
• key land use policy areas; and
• specific place based options for Hereford, each of the market towns and for rural areas.

The consultation responses, together with a range of evidence based studies have been used to develop a Draft Part 1 Local Plan. The Draft Plan as assembled effectively provides a preferred option at this stage of the plan making process but does not yet form Council policy.

The Draft Local Plan sets out:
1. A vision and set of objectives
2. The Spatial Strategy
3. A set of Strategic Policies
4. Place based policies for Hereford, each of the market towns and the rural areas.

However the spatial strategy and elements of policy may not be consistent with the priorities of the Council following the elections and a period of review is required with the Cabinet Member prior to publication.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Decision published: 24/05/2023

Effective from: 18/05/2023

Lead officer: Ross Cook

19/05/2023 - Taxi and Private Hire Policy    Recommendations Approved

To approve the Taxi and Private Hire Policy

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 28/07/2023

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Claire Corfield

Notice of decision: 19/05/2023

Anticipated restriction: Open

24/01/2023 - To make provisional Tree Preservation Order 670 Aylestone Hill Hereford ref: 9484    Recommendations Approved

The tree has high public amenity value and is under perceived
threat on account of request to fell within a conservation area

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 24/01/2023

Lead officer: Elizabeth Duberley

15/05/2023 - Explosive Licence (Fireworks) for 1 year at J MART (Rai Fashions), Widemarsh St, Hereford. Hereford City. 15.05.23 ref: 9482    Recommendations Approved

Application by J MART (Rai Fashions), Widemarsh Street, Hereford for a licence to supply and expose for supply, adult fireworks from a premises in Herefordshire in accordance with The Fireworks Regulations 2004 & The Fireworks Act 2003, along with any relevant guidance issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for 1 year – Expiry 30th November 2023.

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 15/05/2023

Lead officer: David Hough

18/04/2023 - To initiate possession proceedings under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 to secure the eviction of three residents from the Openfields Traveller site at Bromyard. 18.04.23 ref: 9480    Recommendations Approved

To apply for termination of pitch agreements.

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 18/04/2023

Lead officer: Tracey Coleman

10/05/2023 - Landlords consent for tenant’s alterations at Hinton Community Centre, Hereford ref: 9479    Recommendations Approved

•Hinton Community Association occupy the property under the terms of a lease dated 18th March 2016 and are seeking landlord’s approval for alterations to the property
•The works comprise the construction of a single storey extension to the side of the property to increase and enhance meeting room facilities which will extend the options for local community use including youth work and space for multi-agency use in areas such as mental health and anti-social behavior.
•The lease provides that consent must not be unreasonably withheld and there is no good reason in this case to do so as the proposals are intended to enhance the facilities available to the local community
•The consent will be subject to obtaining any necessary planning, building regulation and any other necessary statutory consents plus provision of as built plans and evidence of health and safety compliance and the tenant will be required to carry out the works to ensure the highest standards of safety and care are met.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 10/05/2023

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

11/05/2023 - Granting of a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licence in Baysham Street, Hereford. Greyfriars. 11.05.23 ref: 9478    Recommendations Approved

HMO Licence granted M/124250.

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 11/05/2023

Lead officer: Charles Yarnold

10/05/2023 - Landlords consent for tenant’s alterations at Canal Road Day Care Centre, Hereford ref: 9477    Recommendations Approved

•Aspire Living Ltd occupy the property under the terms of an expired lease which is in the process of renewal and are seeking landlord’s approval for internal alterations to the property
•The works comprise adaptions to the internal space to provide a Changing Places toilet for which Aspire Living Ltd have been awarded funding from the government’s Changing Places Fund to work in partnership with the council to increase the number of accessible changing place facilities for people with severe disabilities in the county.
•The lease provides that consent must not be unreasonably withheld and there is no good reason in this case to do so as the proposals are intended to enhance the facilities available to disabled people in the community
•The consent will be subject to obtaining any necessary planning, building regulation and any other necessary statutory consents plus provision of as built plans and evidence of health and safety compliance and the tenant will be required to carry out the works to ensure the highest standards of safety and care are met.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 10/05/2023

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

31/03/2023 - Decision to extend the Child Protection and Court Teams contract ref: 9476    Recommendations Approved

The current contract was awarded following a competitive procurement process and includes the option to extend for up to 12-months from 1 April 2023. The current provider has performed well and is meeting the contract’s key objectives.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Children & Young People

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023

Lead officer: Darryl Freeman

24/04/2023 - To revoke Tree Preservation Order 221 Brook Meadow Whitbourne ref: 9488    Recommendations Approved

All trees within the TPO were removed in 1988 following an application.

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 24/04/2023

Lead officer: Elizabeth Duberley

10/05/2023 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 669 Mount Pleasant, Wigmore ref: 9487    Recommendations Approved

The tree is a Veteran specimen, providing historical, landscape and ecological value. Proposed retrospective planning has highlighted a perceived threat to the tree

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 10/05/2023

Lead officer: Elizabeth Duberley

24/04/2023 - To make provisional Tree Preservation Order 673 Breinton Lee Hereford ref: 9486    Recommendations Approved

The trees have a high public amenity value are within the boundary of two development sites

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 24/04/2023

Lead officer: Elizabeth Duberley

09/02/2023 - To make provisional Tree Preservation Order 672 Kyrle Place Ross on Wye ref: 9485    Recommendations Approved

The tree has high public amenity value and is under perceived
threat on account of request to fell within a conservation area

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 09/02/2023

Lead officer: Elizabeth Duberley

28/04/2023 - Social Worker (Degree) Apprenticeships ref: 9483    Recommendations Approved

Herefordshire Council is seeking to train up to 15 Social Worker (degree) apprentices starting in 2023. Recruiting Social Workers to work in Herefordshire, as across the country, continues to be challenging Herefordshire Council is committed to developing the workforce by providing quality education and development opportunities, including a Social Work Apprenticeship Programme.

A tender was issued, which did not attract any bids, follow up contact was made with a number of potential Training Providers and it was identified that Coventry University would be able to provide the service required. Herefordshire Council has an existing relationship with Coventry University as part of the West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership education and training for social work students and practitioners.

As a large employer, Herefordshire council is required to make a mandatory contribution to the Government Apprenticeship Levy. This contract for £360,000 will be funded in full by levy funding and Coventry University will be required to draw down the funding directly from the Government Apprenticeship Levy. The maximum that can be claimed for each Apprentice is £24,000 for the three year Social Work (degree) Apprenticeship programme.

Decision Maker: Director of HR & OD

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 28/04/2023

Lead officer: Tracey Sampson

03/03/2023 - Decision to spend from the Property Services Estates Capital Works Programme on Improvement works at Widemarsh Children’s Centre. ref: 9481    Recommendations Approved

A programme of condition surveys on key council establishments was carried out during 2019. The purpose of which was to address identified risks at an early stage to ensure that the Council’s Estate is maintained safe and fit for purpose and generally protect and enhance the value of our Corporate assets.
The works cover improvements to numerous elements highlighted in the condition report including fencing improvement works.
Completing the work identified through the condition surveys will enable the strategic objective of reducing reactive maintenance, and therefore revenue expenditure, through planned and targeted investment.
S C Joseph Ltd have been identified as the bidder representing
best value for money following a competitive tender and assessment
process in accordance with Council procurement procedures. Quotations were sought from one contractor and one compliant tender was received for consideration.
The work to be awarded to S C Joseph Ltd at a cost of £41,516.00.
The PMO (Programme Management Office) will manage the delivery of the works.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 03/03/2023

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

15/05/2023 - Decision to support families with children entitled to free school meals by providing a food vouchers during the May half term period. ref: 9475    Recommendations Approved

The free school meal system is an important component of the support that is provided to low-income families. Providing vouchers in the school holidays for children entitled to free school meals is an extension to this support and will benefit over 4350 children. Through this proposal, primary and secondary aged school pupils who are eligible for benefits related free school meals will receive a food voucher of £15 for the week of the May half-term period.
Consumer prices, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), were 10.10% higher in March 2023 than a year before. Low-income households spend a larger proportion than average on energy and food so will be more affected by price increases.
Herefordshire Council has received an allocation of £2,659,203.57 from the Department of Works and Pensions under the Household Support Fund. The expectation is that the funding should be used primarily to support households in the most need, particularly those including children and pensioners who would otherwise struggle with energy, food and water bills as well as other essential costs.
By utilising the funding from government, this will have a positive impact on low income families and child poverty by minimising the debt burden on those that struggle to pay essential bills.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources and Assurance (Historic)

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 15/05/2023

Lead officer: Andrew Lovegrove

06/04/2023 - Decision to vary the Schools Capital Maintenance Programme’s consultant contract to manage the delivery of Capital Works carried forward from 2022/2023 and to approve delegated authority to Service Director to take Contract award operational de ref: 9474    Recommendations Approved

The existing contract allows Herefordshire Council to omit and add in any
works to the programme as agreed with the consultant.
Due to the number of emergency unplanned schemes added to the 2021-
2023 an extension of time is needed for the consultant to complete the delivery of the schemes. The extension needed will be up to 31st March
2025, which include the defects liability period.
The contract variation would be based on the existing percentage fee rate and terms

Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Children & Young People

Decision published: 18/05/2023

Effective from: 06/04/2023

Lead officer: Darryl Freeman

08/05/2023 - To approve the proposal to change the age range at Ashfield Park Primary School from 3-11 to 2-11 from 1 September 2023 ref: 9473    Recommendations Approved

The Childcare Act (2006) requires local authorities in England to ensure there is sufficient childcare for children (aged 0 to 17 years old) of working parents, parents studying or training, and for disabled children within their local area.

In the Spring 2023 Budget, the Government announced a package of increased childcare support. One of the areas of addition support allows working parents to access 30 hours of free childcare per week, for 38 weeks of the year, from when their child is 2 years old to when they start school. This will be rolled out in April 2024.
Demand for funded 2 year old places has increased, across the county, over the last 3 years (pre-pandemic) by 23%. With the additional funding on offer, this will increase further.

There has been significant growth in the Ross area over recent years, with over 500 new dwellings being built. As a result, demand for childcare is also increasing.

The change in age range will help to support parents and carers wishing to go back to work/education, and therefore supports economic growth.

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Children and Young People

Decision published: 17/05/2023

Effective from: 08/05/2023

Lead officer: Quentin Mee

08/05/2023 - To approve the proposal to add an autism base at Leominster Primary School, Earl Mortimer College and Aylestone School, from 1 September 2023 ref: 9472    Recommendations Approved

Herefordshire Local Authority has two existing mainstream autism bases (MABs). One is for primary age children, at Hampton Dene Primary School as part of their Language and Communication Centre (LCC) and The Bridge is for secondary-age pupils at The Bishop of Hereford High School.
The purpose of the MABs is to allow children who need additional support to access mainstream education to gain that support from specialist staff who work from the base classroom. The criteria for being offered a place at a MAB is that the children must have a diagnosis of autism and a level of educational need that can only met through a MAB as identified in their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Both existing MABs are now full for new admissions in September 2023. Additionally, as a result of information received from the education and health staff at the Child Development Centre where children are assessed, diagnosed and supported in the Early Years, it is evident that there will be a need for a significant expansion in the number of specialist primary mainstream autism base places and we will need this additional capacity from September 2023. We have also had a high level of demand from parents who are seeking secondary specialist autism base provision as their children move from primary school to secondary school

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Children and Young People

Decision published: 17/05/2023

Effective from: 08/05/2023

Lead officer: Quentin Mee

15/05/2023 - Approval for new and updated HR policies ref: 9471    Recommendations Approved

Approval of the following new and updated HR Policies for Herefordshire Council employees, as set out in Appendices A to C:

·       MERS Lite policy

·       Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Policy

·       Fostering Leave Policy

Decision Maker: Chief executive

Decision published: 16/05/2023

Effective from: 15/05/2023



a)    The Mutual Early Resignation Scheme (MERS) Lite policy as set out in Appendix A is approved and implemented from March 2023;

b)    The Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Policy as set out in Appendix B is approved and implemented in April 2023;

c)    Herefordshire Council adopts the Real Living Wage as a supplement for council employees with effect from April 2023, without seeking accreditation, and encourages other organisations where the council is a majority shareholder, such as Hoople Ltd to also adopt the Real Living Wage;

d)    The Fostering Leave Policy as set out in Appendix C is approved and implemented in May 2023, and the council achieves accreditation with the Fostering Friendly network.

Lead officer: Leanne Edwards