Decision details

Approval for new and updated HR policies

Decision Maker: Chief executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Approval of the following new and updated HR Policies for Herefordshire Council employees, as set out in Appendices A to C:

·       MERS Lite policy

·       Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Policy

·       Fostering Leave Policy



a)    The Mutual Early Resignation Scheme (MERS) Lite policy as set out in Appendix A is approved and implemented from March 2023;

b)    The Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Policy as set out in Appendix B is approved and implemented in April 2023;

c)    Herefordshire Council adopts the Real Living Wage as a supplement for council employees with effect from April 2023, without seeking accreditation, and encourages other organisations where the council is a majority shareholder, such as Hoople Ltd to also adopt the Real Living Wage;

d)    The Fostering Leave Policy as set out in Appendix C is approved and implemented in May 2023, and the council achieves accreditation with the Fostering Friendly network.

Alternative options considered:

The policies are not approved or adopted. This is not recommended as these policies are intended to support the development of a skilled and stable workforce while managing the council’s resources effectively.


Employment Planel

Contact: Leanne Edwards, HR Improvement Manager Email:

Publication date: 16/05/2023

Date of decision: 15/05/2023

Accompanying Documents: