Committee details
Purpose of committee
The Executive or Cabinet of the Herefordshire Council consists of a Leader and Deputy Leader and seven other Cabinet Members each with their own individual programme area responsibilities as follows:
Councillor Jonathan Lester (Leader) |
Councillor Elissa Swinglehurst (Deputy Leader) |
Councillor Carole Gandy |
Councillor Ivan Powell |
Councillor Harry Bramer |
Councillor Graham Biggs |
Councillor Pete Stoddart |
Councillor Barry Durkin |
Councillor Philip Price |
The Cabinet’s roles are:
· To consider the overall management and direction of the Council. Directed by the Leader of the Council, it will work with senior managers to ensure the policies of Herefordshire are clear and carried through effectively;
· To propose to Council a strategic policy framework and individual strategic policies;
· To identify priorities and recommend them to Council;
· To propose to Council the Council’s budget and levels of Council Tax;
· To give guidance in relation to: policy co-ordination; implementation of policy; management of the Council; senior employees in relation to day to day implementation issues;
· To receive reports from Cabinet Members on significant matters requiring consideration and proposals for new or amended policies and initiatives;
· To consider and determine policy issues within the policy framework covering more than one programme area and issues relating to the implementation of the outcomes of monitoring reviews.
Minutes are taken at Cabinet Meetings and can be viewed by following to the link at the top of this page to browse the meetings and agendas. You can also search for records of decisions made at Cabinet by clicking the ‘Decisions’ link on this right of this page.
If you require any further information about meetings of Cabinet please contact, Governance Services on (01432) 261699 or e-mail:
The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012
The above Regulations supersede the previous Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2010. The Regulations apply to Executive Decisions and do not relate to Decisions taken by Council, a Committee, or an Officer on behalf of Council where similar but significantly different processes apply.
From 10 September 2012, it is no longer necessary to publish a Forward Plan. However, from that date there is a requirement to give 28 days’ notice of a Key Decision to be taken.
Decisions by the Executive are decisions which are to be taken by the Cabinet as a whole, or decisions which are to be taken by individual Cabinet Members, and in some very limited cases, by Council officers. Key decisions are defined as:
i) Any decision in relation to an executive function which results in the Council incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the Council’s budget for the service or function concerned. A threshold of £500,000 is regarded as significant, or
ii) Any other decision which in the opinion of the Monitoring Officer is likely to be significant having regard to:
· the strategic nature of the decision and / or
· whether the outcome will have an impact, for better or worse, on the amenity of the community or quality of service provided by the authority to a significant number of people living or working in the locality (two or more wards in Herefordshire) affected.
iii) Any substantive decision to bring forward proposals to Council to approve or amend an item within the budget and policy framework (not being subject to call-in).
iv) Any substantive decision made to approve or amend a policy framework where Council has granted the executive power to do so (being subject to call-in).
28 Day Notices, and any non-exempt papers supporting the item, are published to the Council’s website and are available for inspection at Area Offices.
Other documents may be submitted and, at least five clear days before the decision in question is taken, a report will be submitted to the decision maker which identifies the options and the consultations undertaken.
Reports or documents which do not contain exempt or confidential information may be inspected during normal office hours at the Area Offices. Copies of these Reports or documents may be supplied on payment of “postage, copying or other necessary charge for transmission”.
Governance Services, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE.
Telephone: (01432) 261699; e-mail:
- Councillor Graham Biggs
- Councillor Harry Bramer
- Councillor Barry Durkin
- Councillor Carole Gandy
- Samantha Gregory (Secretary)
- Councillor Jonathan Lester (Chairperson)
- Councillor Ivan Powell
- Councillor Philip Price
- Councillor Pete Stoddart
- Councillor Elissa Swinglehurst (Vice-Chairperson)
- Danial Webb (Secretary)
Contact information
Support officer: Samantha Walmsley, Democratic Services Officer.
Phone: (01432) 260176