08/11/2024 - High Needs Provision Capital Grant spend ref: 10348 Recommendations Approved
To approve the spend of the High Needs Provision Capital Grant to extend our inclusion offer in mainstream schools, increase places for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and to improve Alternative Provision (AP) education arrangements
Decision Maker: Cabinet member community services and assets
Decision published: 08/11/2024
Effective from: 15/11/2024
a) To approve the spend of the High Needs Provision Capital Grant (£4.23million) to extend our inclusion offer in mainstream schools, increase capacity for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and to improve Alternative Provision (AP) education arrangements
b) To delegate to the Service Director for Education, Learning and Skills all operational decisions necessary to deliver a programme of works including varying such programme; and
c) Should the Council receive additional high needs grant funding from central
Government or there is an underspend on current education grant funded capital projects, authority is granted to add this to the budget by the Section 151 officer to provide additional funding for the programme should it be deemed necessary by the
Service Director for Education, Learning and Skills.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Hilary Jones, Caroline Marshall, Quentin Mee
27/06/2024 - The new Public Realm services ref: 10181 Recommendations Approved
This report seeks approval of the council’s Public Realm Services model for market engagement.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 27/06/2024
Effective from: 04/07/2024
a) Cabinet adopt the Public Realm Services model set out in Appendix 1 for the purposes of market engagement
b) Cabinet delegates authority to the Corporate Director Economy and Environment to carry out market engagement on the Public Realm Services model set out in Appendix 1.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Alex Deans
30/05/2024 - Section 278 Agreement for Site off the Full Pitcher, Ledbury for Connexus Housing Limited. ref: 10151 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 30/05/2024
For the Section 278 Agreement for off site
works at the Full Pitcher roundabout for the development behind the
Full Pitcher by Connexus Housing to be signed and sealed by an
authorised officer on behalf of Herefordshire Council.
To secure adopted publicly maintained highway works constructed to
the proper standards for the benefit of the community.
Lead officer: Fiona Miles
28/05/2024 - Section 278 Agreement for Surfacing Works on the U92400, adjacent to Quarry at Leinthall Earls for Breedon Trading Limited. ref: 10150 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 28/05/2024
For the Section 278 Agreement Surfacing Works
on the U92400 adjacent to Quarry at Leinthall Earls for Breedon
Trading Limited to be signed and sealed by an authorised officer on
behalf of Herefordshire Council.
To secure adopted publicly maintained highway works constructed to
the proper standards for the benefit of the community.
Lead officer: Fiona Miles
08/01/2024 - Decision to accept the Department for Work and Pensions/Job Centre Plus (DWP) grant for the Youth Employment Hub ref: 10149 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Children & Young People
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 08/01/2024
Acceptance of the DWP grant of
£99,664.72 for the period 1 February 2024 to 31 January 2025
to match fund the creation of a Youth Employment Hub (YEH) in
Herefordshire. The DWP grant will fund the YEH Youth Employment Hub
Co-ordinator and a Careers and Employment Advisor.
Lead officer: Michelle Price
30/04/2024 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 682 Cotts Lane - Lugwardine ref: 10148 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 30/04/2024
To confirm a provisional TPO
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
25/04/2024 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 680 Penyard House – Weston-Under-Penyard ref: 10147 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 25/04/2024
To confirm the TPO subject to modifications;
changing the Area classification to Individual trees and tree Group
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
30/04/2024 - To make a provisional Tree Preservation Order (TPO 688) 22 Walney Lane Hereford ref: 10146 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 30/04/2024
To serve a provisional TPO
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
30/04/2024 - To serve a provisional Tree Preservation Order (TPO687) New Street Ledbury ref: 10145 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 30/04/2024
To serve a provisional TPO
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
21/03/2024 - To serve a provisional Tree Preservation Order (TPO686) 26 Burgess St Leominster ref: 10144 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
To serve a provisional TPO
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
23/05/2024 - Wellington Primary School - grant of Academy Lease and Commercial Transfer Agreement to The Fern Multi-Academy Trust ref: 10143 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 23/05/2024
Wellington Primary School - grant of Academy
Lease and Commercial Transfer Agreement to The Fern Multi-Academy
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
23/05/2024 - Hereford St Martin’s Primary School - grant of Academy Lease and Commercial Transfer Agreement to The Fern Multi-Academy Trust ref: 10142 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 23/05/2024
Hereford St Martin’s Primary School -
grant of Academy Lease and Commercial Transfer Agreement to The
Fern Multi-Academy Trust
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
30/05/2024 - Hereford Marlbrook Primary School - grant of Academy Lease and Commercial Transfer Agreement to The Fern Multi-Academy Trust ref: 10141 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 30/05/2024
Hereford Marlbrook Primary School - grant of
Academy Lease and Commercial Transfer Agreement to The Fern
Multi-Academy Trust
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
24/05/2024 - Agreement for the letting of a short-term pop-up shop at Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford ref: 10140 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 24/05/2024
To grant a short-term pop-up licence to an
established market stall trader who wishes to trial a shop ahead of
deciding whether he wants to progress to a longer term lease of
retail premises at Maylord Orchards Centre
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
22/05/2024 - Under the Electronic Communications Code, serve notice to quit to telecommunication providers whose cells are located on the southern floodlight towers at Hereford FC, Edgar Street ref: 10139 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 22/05/2024
erve notice to quit to telecommunication
providers at Edgar Street southern floodlight towers under the
Electronic Communications Code.
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
17/04/2024 - Authorisation to spend designated funding from the Winter Resilience budget ref: 10138 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 30/05/2024
Effective from: 17/04/2024
Approve the expenditure of £599,849 to
Econ Engineering Ltd for the purchase of four road gritters as
6m³ capacity 4 x 4 chassis x 2off
9m³ capacity 6 x 6 chassis x 1off
9m³ capacity 6 x 4 chassis x 1 off
Including four Five Point Camera Systems, delivery of vehicles to
Herefordshire and first registration.
The contract period is for 2 years with an option to purchase up to
one more vehicles with similar specification during the contract
Lead officer: Laurence Butterworth
09/04/2024 - Decision to appoint Mather & Co Ltd. Exhibition design consultant for the delivery phase (RIBA 4-6) of the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery redevelopment project ref: 10137 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 29/05/2024
Effective from: 09/04/2024
Following a full open tender process Mather
& Co. have been appointed as the design consultant for the
delivery phase (RIBA 4-6) of the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery
redevelopment project:
• To work with the council’s project team, museum
service and architectural design team to review the existing RIBA
stage 3 Interpretation Plan.
• To work with the council’s project team, museum
service, architectural design team, consultants and contractors to
develop and deliver the technical 2D and 3D exhibition and
interpretation design for the galleries, display areas, retail
space, Woolhope Room, events and education space and ancillary
spaces from RIBA stages 4-6.
• To work alongside the museum service to reach communities
and partners to include their views in the development and draw
from co-creation activities being delivered as part of the
engagement activity plan.
• To work with the appointed fit-out contractors and
sub-contractors to monitor, art direct, quality check and snag the
production and installation of all exhibition and interpretation
design elements to completion.
The contract value is £200,000. It is funded by the National
Lottery Heritage Fund delivery grant.
Lead officer: Bijoy Ali
29/05/2024 - Executive Response to Recommendations Made by Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee Regarding: Meeting Net Zero Carbon in Herefordshire
To approve the executive response to the
report from the Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee
regarding: Meeting Net Zero Carbon in Herefordshire.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 23/09/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Ben Boswell, Richard Vaughan
Notice of decision: 29/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
08/05/2024 - Award of highway works associated with the Resurfacing Herefordshire Highways Funding ref: 10136 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 28/05/2024
Effective from: 08/05/2024
In line with the Cabinet Member Decision
Report, to award the following works for 2024/25 via the
Council’s Highways and Public Realm Schemes Framework and
within the identified works budget:
- Delivery of resurfacing works (£4.75m)
To Tarmac Trading Ltd the resurfacing of sections of A and B roads,
as identified as requiring the most urgent work, drawn from the
Highway Forward Programme.
Lead officer: Ed Bradford
24/05/2024 - Highways and Public Realm Schemes Framework ref: 10135 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 28/05/2024
Effective from: 24/05/2024
That the following bidders be awarded a
framework contract to deliver Highways and Public Realm Schemes as
required by the Council.
Lot 1 - Schemes with an estimated Work Order value of less than
Tarmac Trading Ltd
M F Freeman Ltd
Velta Construction Ltd
Owen Pell Ltd
R W Services Contractors Ltd
Lot 2 - Schemes with an estimated Work Order value of between
£100,000 and £500,000
Fitzgerald Contractors
Octavius Infrastructure
Owen Pell Ltd
M F Freeman Ltd
Velta Construction Ltd
Lot 3 - Schemes with an estimated Work Order value of between
£500,000 and £3,000,000
Fitzgerald Contractors
Montel Civil Engineering
Octavius Infrastructure
Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd
Jackson Civil Engineering
Lot 4 - Minor Surfacing Works
Tarmac Trading Ltd
Multiveo Ltd
Kiely Bros Ltd
Lot 5 - Surface Dressing Works
Eurovia Infrastructure Ltd
Kiely Bros Ltd
Lead officer: Ed Bradford
15/05/2024 - Hereford St James’ CE Primary School VA - grant of Academy Lease and Commercial Transfer Agreement to The Orchard Multi-Academy Trust ref: 10134 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 23/05/2024
Effective from: 15/05/2024
Hereford St James’ CE Primary School VA
- grant of Academy Lease and Commercial Transfer Agreement to The
Orchard Multi-Academy Trust
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
15/05/2024 - Accept the early surrender of a ground lease of land to Golden Valley Pre-School at Peterchurch Primary School ref: 10133 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 23/05/2024
Effective from: 15/05/2024
Accept the early surrender of a ground lease
of land to Golden Valley Pre-School at Peterchurch Primary
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
23/05/2024 - To accept the early surrender of leases in respect of properties held within the council’s Commercial Investment Portfolio ref: 10132 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 23/05/2024
Effective from: 23/05/2024
To accept the early surrender of leases in
respect of the properties listed in Appendix A
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
21/05/2024 - Award of Funding from the Household Support Fund to third party organisations ref: 10131 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Director of Resources and Assurance (Historic)
Decision published: 23/05/2024
Effective from: 21/05/2024
Herefordshire Council has received an
allocation of £1,329,601.78 from the Department for Work and
Pensions (DWP) under the Household Support Fund. In line with DWP
guidance, the fund is expected to support vulnerable households who
would otherwise struggle with energy, food and energy bills as well
as other essential costs. The decision to support third party
organisations will enable those organisations to support
Herefordshire households who are struggling to meet essential
household bills.
The funding to third party organisations is an important component
of the support that is provided to low-income households. Providing
funding to third party organisations will mean that those
organisations can provide residents who are struggling with the
increase in the cost of living.
Having regard for the time available to deliver the scheme,
Herefordshire Council identified existing trusted partners which
had already been recipients of government grants to support low
income households during the Covid 19 pandemic. The partners have
also been identified based on the need to support all the eligible
spend categories specified by the DWP guidance and to provide
support to vulnerable households, across Herefordshire whatever
their household composition.
The amount of funding requested is to support residents until 30th
September 2024.
Name of third party organisation: Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills
and Hereford Localities
Type of Support provided: Home energy checks / energy advice
Amount of Household Support Grant: £42,330.00
Name of third party organisation: Bromyard Foodbank and Money
Advice Centre
Type of Support provided: Emergency food provision
Amount of Household Support Grant: £13,850.00
Name of third party organisation: Ethos
Type of Support provided: Emergency food provisions,
household’s items to reduce energy consumption, budget advice
and cooking courses. Emergency housing payments.
Amount of Household Support Grant: £90,024.00
Name of third party organisation: Hereford Foodbank
Type of Support provided: Emergency food provision; support for
cooking equipment
Amount of Household Support Grant: £63,350.00
Name of third party organisation: Herefordshire Community
Type of Support provided: Support for energy; support for other
essentials linked to energy and water
Amount of Household Support Grant: £13,622.00
Name of third party organisation: Ledbury Foodbank
Type of Support provided: Support for food; support for other
Amount of Household Support Grant: £36,000.00
Name of third party organisation: Leominster Foodbank (including
the Money Advice Centre)
Type of Support provided: Support for food
Amount of Household Support Grant: £13,200.00
Name of third party organisation: NILS Scheme
Type of Support provided: Support for household essentials
Amount of Household Support Grant: £30,000.00
Name of third party organisation: Putson Baptist Church
Type of Support provided: Support for food; support for energy;
support for other essentials
Amount of Household Support Grant: £70,165.00
Name of third party organisation: Severn Wye Energy Agency
Type of Support provided: Support for energy; support for other
essentials linked to energy and water
Amount of Household Support Grant: £9,000.00
Name of third party organisation: YES Energy Solutions
Type of Support provided: Support for energy; support for other
essentials linked to energy and water
Amount of Household Support Grant: £33,368.00
TOTAL: 414,909.00
By utilising the funding from government, this will have a positive
impact on low income households by minimising the debt burden on
those that struggle to pay essential bills.
Lead officer: Laura Matthews
13/05/2024 - Decision to support families with children entitled to free school meals by providing a food vouchers during the May Half Term period. ref: 10130 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Director of Resources and Assurance (Historic)
Decision published: 23/05/2024
Effective from: 13/05/2024
The free school meal system is an important
component of the support that is provided to low-income families.
Providing vouchers in the school holidays for children entitled to
free school meals is an extension to this support and will benefit
over 4,738 children. Through this proposal, primary and secondary
aged school pupils who are eligible for benefits related free
school meals will receive a food voucher of £15 for the May
Half Term period.
Herefordshire Council has received an allocation of
£1,329,601.78 from the Department of Works and Pensions under
the Household Support Fund. The expectation is that the funding
should be used primarily to support households in the most need,
particularly those including children and pensioners who would
otherwise struggle with energy, food and water bills as well as
other essential costs.
By utilising the funding from government, this will have a positive
impact on low income families and child poverty by minimising the
debt burden on those that struggle to pay essential bills.
Lead officer: Laura Matthews
16/05/2024 - Decision to award contract and approve the expenditure of up to £179,782 for the Canopy works at Bosbury Primary School, Herefordshire. ref: 10129 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning
Decision published: 23/05/2024
Effective from: 16/05/2024
Award a contract to S C Joseph Ltd for the
Canopy works at Bosbury Primary School Herefordshire, following a
successful tender on the Council’s procurement portal.
Approve the expenditure of up to £159,806 for the works,
which includes a contingency of up to £14,528
Approve the expenditure of up to £19,976 for internal and
external professional fees.
Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by
the Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget.
Lead officer: Annie Ahearne
17/04/2024 - Award a contract to carry out Building Fabric, Fire Stopping, Split Fire Alarm and Associated Improvements up to a value of £196,877.50 at No 8 Owen Street, Hereford ref: 10128 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 23/05/2024
Effective from: 17/04/2024
To award a contract to S C Joseph Ltd. This
decision is to award the contract to S C Joseph Ltd to carry out
works at No 8 Owen Street, Hereford, HR1 2PJ following the
completion of a successful tender, evaluation and moderation
Works to include carrying out Building Fabric, Fire Stopping, Split
Fire Alarm and associated Improvement works at No 8 Owen
To approve the works expenditure of up to £196,877.50 which
£23,625.30 contingency and £15,750.20 for internal and
external fees of the tendered price.
Responsibility for delivering works to be carried out by the
Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget of the
Capital Building Improvement Programme.
Lead officer: Annie Ahearne
23/04/2024 - Decision to award contract and approve the expenditure of up to £100,817.50 for the Demolition of the Blackfriars Stand at Edgar Street Football Ground, Hereford. ref: 10127 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director
Decision published: 23/05/2024
Effective from: 23/04/2024
Award a contract to Pennys Group Limited for
the Demolition of the Blackfriars Stand at Edgar Street Football
Ground, Hereford, following a successful tender on the
Council’s procurement portal.
Approve the expenditure of up to £92,752.10 for the works,
which includes a contingency of up to £12,098.10
Approve the expenditure of up to £8,065.40 for internal and
external professional fees.
Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by
the Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget.
Lead officer: Annie Ahearne
22/05/2024 - Director of Public Health Annual Report
To share the Director of Public Health Annual
Report 2023 with the Health and Wellbeing Board. The focus of the
2023 report is improving health in older people, and it is titled
“Ageing well in Herefordshire”.
Decision Maker: Health and Wellbeing Board
Decision due date: 10/06/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Matt Pearce
Notice of decision: 22/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
22/05/2024 - Tobacco Control
The purpose of this report is to update the
Health and Wellbeing Board on the recent Government Smoke Free
Generation plan and the actions taken to work towards achieving a
Smoke Free Generation (SFG) in Herefordshire.
Decision Maker: Health and Wellbeing Board
Decision due date: 10/06/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Luke Bennett
Notice of decision: 22/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
21/05/2024 - Hereford Museum and Art Gallery progress update and recommendations Abandoned
The report will provide an update on the
project so far, the recommendations for future progress and an
update of the cost plan.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 18/07/2024
Wards affected: Central;
Lead officer: Roger Allonby, Damian Etheraads, Susan White
Notice of decision: 21/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
14/05/2024 - Section 278 Agreement for Madley Road, Clehonger for Stonewater Limited ref: 10126 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 21/05/2024
Effective from: 14/05/2024
For the Section 278 Agreement for Madley Road,
Clehonger for Stonewater Housing Limited to be signed and sealed by
an authorised officer on behalf of Herefordshire Council.
To secure adopted publicly maintained highway works constructed to
the proper standards for the benefit of the community.
Lead officer: Fiona Miles
20/05/2024 - Grant acceptance and purchase of accommodation to address gaps in homelessness pathway provision: additional funding ref: 10113 Recommendations Approved
To accept additional grant from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) via the Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP 5) and the associated grant terms and conditions. This funding was not anticipated and as such was not included as part of the original decision.
To approve the acquisition of a minimum of five properties from the open market within a defined budget and to allow officers, following appropriate consultation and due diligence, to proceed with the acquisitions.
Decision Maker: Cabinet member adults, health and wellbeing
Decision published: 20/05/2024
Effective from: 25/05/2024
a) The Cabinet Member accepts the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities additional capital grant of £460,000 for the purpose of purchasing an additional minimum of five properties and a revenue grant of £124,899 for dedicated support workers and associated services;
b) Authority for acquisition of the properties and all associated operational decisions needed in respect to the grants in recommendation a) including authority to award contracts for improvement works and the negotiation of the lease to a housing provider be delegated to the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing;
c) Delegates acceptance to the S151 officer (in consultation with the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing) in respect to any future grant funding received from central government that becomes available under substantially the similar conditions as SHAP; and
d) Delegates to the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing authority to utilise such grant for the purposes that the grant was provided including that in recommendation b).
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Tina Wood
17/05/2024 - Cyber Quarter Limited Update Recommendations Approved
A report to the Shareholder Committee on the
finances and performance of Cyber Quarter Limited
Decision Maker: Shareholder Committee
Decision due date: 17/06/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Andrew Lovegrove, Hilary Hall, Sean O'Connor, Tracey Sampson
Notice of decision: 17/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - view reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
the contents of the report relates to the business information of a third party company.