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Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee.

Information about Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee

Scrutiny is a statutory role fulfilled by councillors who are not members of the cabinet.


The role of the scrutiny committees is to help develop policy, to carry out reviews of council and other local services, and to hold decision makers to account for their actions and decisions.


The remit of the Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee includes scrutiny of:


·             Core strategy

·             Waste and recycling

·             Transport incl. active travel

·             Climate and ecological emergency

·             Climate and nature impact assessment on infrastructure proposals

·             Environmental and energy efficiency standards

·             Nature strategy - stewardship of natural resources and green spaces

·             Integrated wetlands and water quality

·             Statutory flood risk management scrutiny powers


Members of the public can get involved by attending a meeting in public, asking a question at a meeting in public and by suggesting a topic for scrutiny.


For further information, please see Scrutiny at Herefordshire Council.



[note: information about the council’s former General Scrutiny Committee (2017-2022) can be found here]