Agenda and minutes

Venue: Herefordshire Council Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE

Contact: Samantha Walmsley, Democratic Services Officer 

Link: Watch this meeting on the Herefordshire Council YouTube Channel

No. Item




The Leader opened the meeting to acknowledge the sad passing of Councillor Bob Matthews.  The Leader expressed that Cllr Matthews will be missed and said a few words regarding Cllr Matthews, that he was a man of resolve, who showed true grit and determination and fought for what he believed in. He had a great zeal for wanting to get things right, his persistence and fortitude in his role were exemplary. Cllr Matthews was a stalwart character, his devotion and dedication to public service as a long standing councillor for Herefordshire Council were to be commended and stood as an example to us all about how to serve as a councillor.  The Leader expressed the Cabinet’s collective condolences to Cllr Matthew’s family and friends. 


Group Leaders all expressed their condolences and each group expressed their thoughts noting that Cllr Matthew’s will be sorely missed. He was a larger than life character and a champion of independence in local politics.  He was a great leader in his community and served his ward diligently, his passion and challenge in Council and committee meetings will be missed.  Cllr Matthew’s legacy of tireless service and unshakeable commitment to his principles meant that his impact on Herefordshire will be felt for many years to come. 


A minute’s silence was observed.


The Leader acknowledged that whilst this is a sad occasion due to Councillor Matthew’s passing it meant that Councillor Davies was now the new group leader for the True Independents.


The Leader also acknowledged that Andrew Lovegrove was leaving the Council and thanked him for diligent hard work and service. The Leader wished him all the best on behalf of Cabinet and the Council.   





To receive any apologies for absence.


There were apologies from Councillor Biggs, Chowns, Durkin, Hurcomb and Mason. 




To receive declarations of interests in respect of Schedule 1, Schedule 2 or Other Interests from members of the committee in respect of items on the agenda.





MINUTES pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 16 May, 2024


Resolved:      That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairperson subject to the correction of noting that Councillor Hurcomb was not in attendance on 16 May 2024.





Questions from members of the public pdf icon PDF 186 KB

To receive questions from members of the public.


Additional documents:


Questions received and responses given are attached as appendix 1 to the minutes.



Questions from councillors pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To receive questions from councillors.


Additional documents:


Questions received and responses given are attached as appendix 2 to the minutes.



Reports from Scrutiny Committees

To receive reports from the Council’s scrutiny committees on any recommendations to the Cabinet arising from recent scrutiny committee meetings.


There were three reports from scrutiny committees for consideration at this meeting.


Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - Workforce Challenges in Children's Services Recommendations pdf icon PDF 224 KB

Additional documents:


The chairperson for the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee (CYPSC) detailed that at the meeting earlier this month work force issues and the workforce strategy were discussed.  This is an area of improvement identified by the Ofsted report.  Noted that the recruitment and retention activity in the Council was stabilising but the activity in the improvement plan was still RAG rated as red.  On review of this the committee identified six recommendations which are set out in the appendix to the report. 


It was unanimously agreed that the recommendations made on 13 June 2024 by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee at its meeting be noted, and that an Executive Response to the scrutiny recommendations be prepared for consideration in due course. 






Scrutiny Management Board - Herefordshire Council Plan and Delivery Plan Recommendations pdf icon PDF 222 KB

Additional documents:


The chairperson for the Scrutiny management Board (SMB) noted that he was not chairperson at the time the recommendations were drafted and thanked the previous chairperson. It was confirmed that Cabinet had already responded to the recommendations and noted this was published as a supplement to the agenda.  The chairperson thanked cabinet for the changes that had been made and noted that the SMB will be interested in the link between the Council Plan and the Delivery Plan.    




Recommendations of the Health Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee: Update on outcomes of Care Quality Commission Inspection of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Additional documents:


The chairperson for the Health Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee presented the recommendations on the outcomes of the Care Quality Commission Inspection of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust. It was noted that Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care Trust took over the Mental Health Services in 2020 during the pandemic.  It was noted that there were several areas that required improvement but two services were rated as good and these were Stonebow Road and Community Mental Health Services.  Highlighted the recommendation for Cabinet is regarding NHS staff parking availability and charges in Ledbury and Leominster.  The chairperson also noted a typo and ‘Ettenham Street’ should refer to Etnam Street’. 


It was unanimously agreed that the recommendations on the outcomes of the Care Quality Commission Inspection of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust made by the Health Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 25 March 2024 be noted, and that an Executive Response to the scrutiny recommendations be prepared for consideration in due course. 




Delivery Plan 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 244 KB

To agree proposals for the council’s Delivery Plan 2024-25. 

Additional documents:


The cabinet member for finance and corporate services provided an over view, it was noted that this was the first of the four annual Delivery Plans and is linked with the Council Plan.  The Council Plan and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) are the overarching policy frameworks within which decisions will be taken and resources allocated over the next four years.  The vision of the Council Plan ‘Delivering the best for Herefordshire in everything we do’ has fed into the elements of each of the four priorities of the Delivery Plan - People, Place, Growth and Transformation.  It was highlighted that the Delivery Plan outlines the Council’s priorities and objectives and how these will be achieved in the next 12 months. 


It was noted that monitoring of the Delivery Plan will be through quarterly reporting into Cabinet.  There will also be routine financial monitoring against the approved revenue and capital program and that monthly progress reports will be provided to the Corporate Leadership Team alongside the quarterly reports to Cabinet.  It was also noted that annual service plans will outline the service area priorities and key areas of focus.  Lastly, it was noted there will be individual performance and development plans for staff across the Council aligned to service area priorities. 


The cabinet member also highlighted that the development of projects within the Delivery Plan will look to minimise any environmental impact and will identify opportunities to improve environmental performance.  Noted that equality impact assessments will also be carried out. 


Cabinet members discussed the report and it was noted regarding the environmental aspects that a local nature recovery strategy and biodiversity net gain strategy were being developed. As well as a tree and hedgerow strategy to address the preservations of trees and hedgerows but also the replacement of those lost to ash die back.  The net zero journey is continuing with the aim of achieving 65% reduction in CO2 emissions by the end of year.   Noted that benchmarks in the Delivery Plan are helpful as they enable the Council to measure its progress.  It was highlighted there is continuing work with the phosphate mitigation scheme, the Luston Wetland Scheme, investment in parish councils and the proposed investment with Ross Enterprise Park. 


It was noted that delivery of the new road strategy was progressing according to plan and the Local Transport Plan draft will come later in the year.  The Public Real Services is also moving forward as intended and also noted the benefits of the lengthsman scheme to local parishes. 


Group leaders gave the views of their groups. The level of consultation on the Delivery Plan was welcomed alongside the benefits of having a Delivery Plan to measure progress against.  However it was expressed that this Plan is less ambitious than the County Plan it supersedes.  Concerns were also raised regarding the Plan being unambitious in terms of young people and the environment. It was noted that climate change was barely referenced and £800k from reserves was removed.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



The new Public Realm services pdf icon PDF 346 KB

To approve the council’s Public Realm Services model for market engagement.


Additional documents:


The cabinet member for community services and assets introduced the report and highlighted that following the April Cabinet report approving the termination of the current public realm services, the termination had now been enacted ending on 31 May 2026.  It was confirmed that Balfour Beatty Living Places are committed to supporting the transition and this report requests for Cabinet to (a) adopt the public realm services model set out in appendix 1 for the purposes of market engagement and (b) for the Cabinet to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Economy and Environment to carry out market engagement.  Once this has taken place over the summer, the model will be refined and returned to Cabinet in the autumn to approve a final version of the model for procurement to start January 2025. 


There were no comments from Cabinet members.


Group leaders gave the views of their groups. The change in the Public Realm Services contract was welcomed as well as it going out to tender in due course.  The need to closely monitor the timeline was stated to avoid any slippage.  Concerns were expressed regarding the proposal that schemes up to £100k may be directly awarded through the contract at the Council’s discretion.  It was noted that the Council needs to ensure it doesn’t end up in the same position as before by using large contractors that cannot manage on a local basis.  It was highlighted that the new contract should be outcome focused rather than KPI’s and to have proper resources when services are brought back in house. 


In response to the queries it was noted that market engagement is to encourage a broad range of providers.  The Council has its own framework for small and medium contracts meaning the Council can draw straight from its own framework for contracts.  It will be clear at the procurement stage what the Council expects from contractors and will mean the Council will not be in the position where the contractors mark their own homework.  It was highlighted that lessons have been learned from the previous contract and the KPI’s will be written for the benefit of the Council going forward. 


It was unanimously resolved that:


a)     Cabinet adopt the Public Realm Services model set out in Appendix 1 for the purposes of market engagement


b)     Cabinet delegates authority to the Corporate Director Economy and Environment to carry out market engagement on the Public Realm Services model set out in Appendix 1.

