Agenda item

Delivery Plan 2024-25

To agree proposals for the council’s Delivery Plan 2024-25. 


The cabinet member for finance and corporate services provided an over view, it was noted that this was the first of the four annual Delivery Plans and is linked with the Council Plan.  The Council Plan and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) are the overarching policy frameworks within which decisions will be taken and resources allocated over the next four years.  The vision of the Council Plan ‘Delivering the best for Herefordshire in everything we do’ has fed into the elements of each of the four priorities of the Delivery Plan - People, Place, Growth and Transformation.  It was highlighted that the Delivery Plan outlines the Council’s priorities and objectives and how these will be achieved in the next 12 months. 


It was noted that monitoring of the Delivery Plan will be through quarterly reporting into Cabinet.  There will also be routine financial monitoring against the approved revenue and capital program and that monthly progress reports will be provided to the Corporate Leadership Team alongside the quarterly reports to Cabinet.  It was also noted that annual service plans will outline the service area priorities and key areas of focus.  Lastly, it was noted there will be individual performance and development plans for staff across the Council aligned to service area priorities. 


The cabinet member also highlighted that the development of projects within the Delivery Plan will look to minimise any environmental impact and will identify opportunities to improve environmental performance.  Noted that equality impact assessments will also be carried out. 


Cabinet members discussed the report and it was noted regarding the environmental aspects that a local nature recovery strategy and biodiversity net gain strategy were being developed. As well as a tree and hedgerow strategy to address the preservations of trees and hedgerows but also the replacement of those lost to ash die back.  The net zero journey is continuing with the aim of achieving 65% reduction in CO2 emissions by the end of year.   Noted that benchmarks in the Delivery Plan are helpful as they enable the Council to measure its progress.  It was highlighted there is continuing work with the phosphate mitigation scheme, the Luston Wetland Scheme, investment in parish councils and the proposed investment with Ross Enterprise Park. 


It was noted that delivery of the new road strategy was progressing according to plan and the Local Transport Plan draft will come later in the year.  The Public Real Services is also moving forward as intended and also noted the benefits of the lengthsman scheme to local parishes. 


Group leaders gave the views of their groups. The level of consultation on the Delivery Plan was welcomed alongside the benefits of having a Delivery Plan to measure progress against.  However it was expressed that this Plan is less ambitious than the County Plan it supersedes.  Concerns were also raised regarding the Plan being unambitious in terms of young people and the environment. It was noted that climate change was barely referenced and £800k from reserves was removed.  This seemed to be in contrast to the Delivery Plan working forwards to achieving the step change needed within Herefordshire to reduce emissions.  Also, concerns were raised that the Delivery Plan only referenced statutory requirements in terms of rivers, rather than going beyond the minimum which in turn impacts on the ambitions set out in the Local Development framework. 


It was highlighted that the Council should take more of a leadership role in Herefordshire in developing a more strategic plan for the whole County not just on climate change but other areas of development and challenge.  Whilst the in year tangible milestones were positively recognised, it was requested that the progress reports set out the timescales for the deliverables alongside a red, ambler, green code being utilised.  It was also noted that many of the objectives to be achieved were out of the Council’s control and subject to central government.  It was highlighted that ultimately it will come down to what is actually done. 


In response to the queries it was noted ambition for Children and Young people is set out in the Delivery Plan through the link to the Early Help and Prevention Strategy which in turn references the Children and Young People Plan.  It was acknowledged that improvement is required to the Early Help system and the Council have commissioned an organisation called ‘People too’ who will review Early Help and provide a report shortly.  The Council have also engaged in a review with Talk Community.  It was noted that a conversation is due to take place with an organisation which has good practices and could be a model promoted at County level regarding Early Years Provision, which is separate to Early Help.  Also, it was understood by the Children and Young Peoples partnership board that there would be provision for families seeking places for the extended Early Years Provision offer. 


In response to the query regarding the environment, notably the climate assembly, it was confirmed those actions will be delivered and the funding was not required because it was sought externally and some projects came in under budget, meaning money was in excess for that reserve.  It was acknowledged that the Council has to play its part but some aspects are outside of its control. In terms of the river it was confirmed that partnership working is crucial and reliant on Farm Herefordshire, Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and Welsh Water. 


Lastly, in response to the Council needing to have a strategic role it was noted that the Delivery Plan shows how the Council will work with its partners and how it connects with the other strategies, therefore it is very strategic.  Also, the Council Plan approved in May clearly shows how the Delivery Plan links into all the strategic documents.



It was unanimously resolved that:


(a)   Cabinet approve the Delivery Plan 2024-25, as set out in appendix A.


(b)   Authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make minor amendments to the approved Delivery Plan 2024-25.



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