Agenda and minutes
Venue: Plough Lane, Mordiford/Fownhope Rooms
Contact: Henry Merricks-Murgatroyd Democratic Services
Link: Watch this meeting live on the Herefordshire Council Youtube channel
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from: Cllr Ange Tyler, Mandy Appleby, and Simon Trickett. |
Named substitutes (if any) To receive details of any member nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the board. Minutes: Gillian Pearson acted as a substitute for Mike Hearne (Taurus Healthcare). |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interests of interest in respect of schedule 1, schedule 2 or other interests from members of the board in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2022. Minutes: The board requested that the minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2022 be updated to reflect that board members were present for voting, with the exception of Superintendent Edd Williams who attended remotely.
David Mehaffey (Executive Director of Strategy and Integration) also noted that job titles, in the list of participants, needed to be updated to reflect some changes from the CCG to the ICB.
Following these amendments, the board approved the minutes of the meeting of the 26th September 2022. |
Questions from members of the public To receive any written questions from members of the public. For details of how to ask a question at a public meeting, please see: The deadline for the receipt of a question from a member of the public is 8th March at 9:30 am. To submit a question, please email Minutes: No questions received. |
Questions from councillors To receive any written questions from councillors. The deadline for the receipt of a question from a councillor is 8th March at 9.30 am, unless the question relates to an urgent matter. To submit a question, please email Minutes: No questions received. |
The Health and Wellbeing Strategy PDF 269 KB A presentation welcoming feedback on the draft version of the Herefordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy ahead of the final version sign-off later in the year. Additional documents:
Minutes: Matt Pearce (Director of Public Health) provided an overview of the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy in order to invite comments from the board on the draft strategy. The principal points included:
Councillor Pauline Crockett (Chair of the board) thanked the Director of Public Health and Mary Knower for the engagement consultation. The Chair then proceeded to ask members for comments and questions on the strategy.
Councillor David Hitchiner asked the director for clarification regarding ‘prevention and early intervention’ on page 10 of the draft strategy. The Director of Public Health explained that primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention are primarily associated with health and focused on preventing disease. The intention was to frame the three tiers of prevention across the wider sense of health including housing, the environment, lifestyle etc. and therefore encapsulate ... view the full minutes text for item 72. |
Thematic Review: Premature Deaths PDF 140 KB A presentation of the Herefordshire Safeguarding Adults Board Thematic Review: Premature Deaths. Additional documents:
Minutes: Ivan Powell (Chair of the Herefordshire Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB)) provided an overview of the premature deaths – thematic review. The review considered the deaths of six individuals in Herefordshire between January 2019 and August 2022, and was jointly commissioned between Herefordshire Safeguarding Adult Board and Herefordshire Council. The principal points included:
Christine Price asked about recommendation 11.1.3 from the report with regard to the leadership from the different boards involved in the review and enquired about how this is best achieved.
The Chair of the Herefordshire SAB clarified that the Health and Wellbeing board as co-commissioner of the review, in effect, owns the recommendations and action plan resulting in a governance responsibility to make the review land effectively. Additionally, the Safeguarding Adult Board does not have the same level of influence and therefore there is a need to discuss where over-arching governance sits in response to delivering the review.
The Director of Public Health acknowledged the need to discuss governance and how to knit together the work, in dealing with people with more complex needs, between the existing partnerships.
Councillor Diana Toynbee asked who was responsible for investigating non attendance/disengagement at arranged appointments.
The Chair of the Herefordshire SAB noted that the role of the safeguarding board is to seek assurance from the agencies about how they deal with non-attendance.
The Managing Director of Wye Valley NHS Trust recognised the complex area of non-attendance and how this is confronted.
Ewen Archibald (Assistant Director, All Ages Commissioning) noted that on the issue of non-attendance, the thematic review, in addition to Project Brave, emphasises a new, assertive way of approaching the challenge of non-attendance of vulnerable individuals from a range of services and represents a critical risk factor in preventing deaths and its critical in the wider work of supporting people in their journey through homelessness and complex vulnerability.
The Chair of the Herefordshire SAB added that as part of learning from the review, a workshop was held which included managers and practitioners whereby there was frustration in which support was given to an individual through treatment and detoxification and knew that on discharge, there would be a risk they would become homeless. When considering who to put ... view the full minutes text for item 73. |
Project Brave Strategic Approach PDF 229 KB A presentation of the draft version of the Project Brave Strategic approach. Additional documents:
Minutes: Ewen Archibald provided an overview of the strategic approach to Project Brave. Project Brave emerged during the Covid pandemic emergency in March 2020 through cooperation between the local authority and key partners to protect vulnerable people including those who are homeless and have wider multiple complex vulnerabilities, seeking to improve outcomes for people at risk in communities. The principal points included:
The Chair thanked Ewen Archibald for the report and stressed the importance of noting the many personal experiences at Herefordshire Council who are of most need.
The Managing Director of Wye Valley NHS Trust also thanked Ewen Archibald for the report and asked firstly, whether the name ‘Project Brave’ should be changed in order to emphasise the long-term nature of the initiative, and secondly, where the long-term funding exists with regard to the initiative.
Ewen Archibald acknowledged the term ‘project’ does imply the initiative is temporary and that there should be some reflection on all aspects of its identity and how it is understood by stakeholders and individuals who are part of it. With regard to the funding of Project Brave, the core funding that supports the current work that focuses on homelessness, is secure until April 2025. There are now opportunities to apply for funding, some of which overlaps with the period and some that goes beyond April 2025. DLUHC, however, is focusing on other areas it regards as priority areas of need, and that there should be consideration about dependency can be reduced on some of the existing streams of funding while making best use of further funding opportunities.
The Chair of Herefordshire SAB noted the difficulty ... view the full minutes text for item 74. |
Herefordshire Inequalities Strategy 2023-2026 PDF 339 KB A report outlining the Herefordshire Inequalities Strategy for 2023-2026. Additional documents: Minutes: Alan Dawson provided an overview of the Herefordshire Inequalities Strategy 2023-2026. The strategy was developed by a sub-group of the One Herefordshire Partnership and has engaged with a number of partners including, in particular, the clinician and practitioner forum and the One Herefordshire Partnership, itself. The principal points included:
i. Maternity ii. Mental health iii. Respiratory iv. Cancer v. Hypertension
i. There is a lack of digital and health literacy in which accessibility to services has become increasingly digitalised. ii. A key aim of the strategy is to help staff to improve their digital and health literacy so that they can assist patients and the public and in turn, reduce inequalities.
i. This objective seeks to ensure that staff understand what is meant by health inequalities, how they approach them, and ultimately reduce health inequalities amongst the workforce.
i. There is already a lot of work being done in the county, a lot of which is reflected in the plan at the end of the strategy. ii. The work of the Community Partnership, led by Herefordshire Healthwatch, who have looked at the factors driving health inequalities and consider what can be done by partners in the statutory and voluntary sectors, respectively, together around that. iii. The work of primary care networks of general practice, community staff, and social care workers is also important to understand the needs of their population, in addition to dealing with those needs in defined areas and in defined ways.
David Mehaffey asked if there could be direct reference to the Integrated Care Strategy in the context of the health and wellbeing strategy.
The Chair asked how and when an evaluation of the three over-arching objectives would be delivered to the board in the future.
Alan Dawson confirmed that he would bring back a report to the board ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
Child Death Overview Panel Annual Report 2021-22 PDF 252 KB A presentation of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Child Death Overview Panel’s (CDOP) Annual Report for 2021-2022. Additional documents: Minutes: Elizabeth Altay provided an overview of the Child Death Overview Panel Annual Report 2021-22. The report was written by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) and notes any thematic learning and actions that can be utilised to prevent future child deaths. The principal points included:
i. 10 of the 28 deaths reviewed were children who were born prematurely.
i. 7 of the 28 deaths reviewed identified smoking as a modifiable factor.
i. 5 of the 28 deaths reviewed identified neonatal care as a modifiable factor.
i. 8 of the 28 deaths reviewed identified families with complex social factors as a modifiable factor.
The Managing Director of Wye Valley NHS Trust asked whether lack of access to higher levels of neonatal care (level 2 and 3) was an issue regarding child deaths, which is not provided in Herefordshire, or whether it was a deficit of level 1 neonatal care, which is provided in the county.
Elizabeth Altay noted that the quality of neonatal care, whether provided in Herefordshire or Worcestershire, is not drawn out in terms of geography in the report and instead is more general. Each individual case would have looked at access to care and any recommendations about access to care would have come out of the individual child death review which would then have been taken forward to the Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS).
The Director of Public Health asked whether data could be combined from previous years to see if there are any trends/commonalties in terms of any themes that may be present.
Elizabeth Altay accepted that this was a useful recommendation and the CDOP would look to take this forward.
The board therefore agreed to the suggested recommendation to combine data from previous years going forward in order to identify new trends and emerging issues.
The recommendations were proposed, seconded, and approved unanimously.
a) That the Board consider and note the report. b) That data is combined from previous years going forward in order to identify new trends and emerging issues.
A slide presentation introducing the Community Paradigm approach. Additional documents: Minutes: Hilary Hall provided an overview of the Community Paradigm. The Community Paradigm emerged from a report from New Local, an independent think tank, and takes initial thinking around community development, involvement, and empowerment onto the next level. The principal points included:
Christine Price noted that from the community’s perspective, there is a desire to work in partnership with statutory functions, but that there is not the right approaching mechanism to do that well. The fundamental idea of the Community Paradigm is that there is a shift in how funding is delivered, in addition to the need to collectively come together to arrive at shared solutions.
David Mehaffey expressed his support from an ICB perspective to work and develop the Community Paradigm.
a) That the Board considers and comments on the Community Paradigm Presentation. b) That an update on the Community Paradigm is brought back to the board in the first meeting of the municipal year.
A presentation and update from the Health Protection team. Additional documents: Minutes: Rob Davies provided an overview of the Re-establishing the Health Protection Assurance Forum report. The principal points included:
Rob Davies proposed that an
annual report come to the Health and Wellbeing Board to provide a
more systematic and rigorous assessment of where the forum is at.
This report will help emphasise what key priorities need more
attention in addressing. The Director of Public Health agreed that an annual report would be useful to address system issues to help identify which priorities need particular focus and attention in order to improve performance, particularly as these issues correspond with health inequalities and functions such as the Community Paradigm.
Councillor Diana Toynbee asked why the forum is needed in addition to the other work being done by the HWBB and other agencies including the UKHSA.
The Director of Public Health noted the statutory function that he has as director of public health to ensure that plans are in place to effectively deliver screenings and immunisation. The UKHSA operate at the regional and national levels and are part of the overall forum, however, at the local level there needs to be assurance and coordination that the forum would help to provide. For instance, there have been conversations regarding screenings and immunisation which will be delegated through to the Integrated Care Board from 2024. These conversations with the ICB aim to clarify how screenings and immunisation will be delivered at the local level.
The Chair noted table 2 on page 13 of the report which shows that performance is better in Herefordshire than the national average.
The Managing Director of Wye Valley NHS Trust asked if the health protection function – ‘emergency preparedness, resilience and response’ (EPRR) – was specifically in relation to infection prevention.
Rob Davies said that ... view the full minutes text for item 78. |
Work Programme 2023-2024 PDF 126 KB An opportunity for the board to review and populate the work programme for 2023-2024. Minutes: The Chair noted the upcoming meetings as listed under the work programme 2023-24.
The Director of Public Health suggested the use of a workshop in May 2023 for the development of the Health and Wellbeing delivery plans, and welcomed the board for further thoughts.
David Mehaffey noted the Joint Forward Plan (JFP) which the HWBB has a defined role in giving its opinion on the extent to which the JFP addresses the HWBB’s priorities. It was suggested that the use of a development session to discuss this before sign off.
AOB Any other business. Minutes: No other business noted. |
Date of next meeting The next scheduled meeting is 27 April 2023, 14:00-17:00 Minutes: Date of next meeting: Thursday 27th April 2023. |