Agenda and minutes
Venue: Online meeting
Contact: Ben Baugh. democratic services
Link: Watch the board meeting in public on the Herefordshire Council YouTube Channel
No. | Item |
Appointment of vice-chairperson To appoint the vice-chairperson of the board; the Council’s constitution (paragraph 2.8.10) requires that ‘one of the board members representing NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group will be appointed vice chairperson annually by the board’. Minutes: The council’s constitution required that one of the board members representing NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group be appointed vice-chairperson annually by the board. Dr Ian Tait was nominated as the vice-chairperson.
Resolved: That Dr Ian Tait be appointed vice-chairperson of the board for the remainder of the municipal year. |
Apologies for absence To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Nathan Travis (Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service), Richard Ball and Stephen Vickers (Herefordshire Council), Hayley Allison / Julie Grant (NHS England), and Jane Ives (Wye Valley NHS Trust). |
Named substitutes To receive details of any member nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the board. Minutes: Amy Pitt was present as a substitute for Stephen Vickers, and Marc Willimont was present as a substitute for Richard Ball. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest in respect of schedule 1, schedule 2 or other interests from members of the board in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: Dr Ian Tait reminded the board that he was also a member of Worcestershire’s health and well-being board. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 30 June 2020. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were received.
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 June 2020 be approved and be signed by the chairperson. |
Questions from members of the public To receive any written questions from members of the public. Minutes: No questions had been received from members of the public. |
Questions from councillors To receive any written questions from councillors. Minutes: No questions had been received from councillors. |
Better care fund quarter 4 and year-end report 2019/20 PDF 366 KB To review the better care fund (BCF) 2019/20 quarter four national performance and end of year feedback, as per the requirements of the programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The assistant director all ages commissioning presented the report, drew attention to the Better Care Fund (BCF) template for quarter 4 2019/20 as appended to the report, and made the following principal points:
i. (agenda page 23) Attention was drawn to the key purposes of the BCF reporting.
ii. (agenda page 27) It was noted that all parts of the template had been completed. It was commented that, with continued collaboration (especially during the Covid-19 pandemic), the system was more closely integrated than it had been before.
iii. (agenda page 31) It was noted that the national conditions had been completed. The assistant director talk community programme was thanked for her previous work on the BCF.
iv. (agenda page 32) The target for reducing the rate of non-elective admissions had not been met and partners continued to work together to support individuals at home and to avoid admissions, including through the Home First and Hospital at Home schemes. The target for reducing the rate of permanent admissions into residential care (16.9%) had not been met but a significant reduction of 10.8% had been achieved. The target for the proportion of older people who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation services had not met target but performance continued to improve. The target for delayed transfers of care (DToC) had been achieved, with Herefordshire recording some of the lowest DToC days for a number of years.
v. (agenda page 37) Actual expenditure was shown as £56,016,560 compared to planned expenditure of £56,078,091, with overspend in some areas being offset by underspend in others. It was reported that care home placements continued to be an issue due to bed capacity; it was anticipated that some of the pressure would be alleviated through a capital scheme to build a care facility.
vi. (agenda page 38) Attention was drawn to the agreed statements in the year end feedback and the associated comments were summarised.
The assistant director for adult social care operations said that, even with the considerable pressures during the last year, significant progress had been made, such as the rapid setting up of an integrated hub to manage the discharge pathway. Updates were also provided on the current position with recruitment for the Home First service and with transfers of care.
Mr Stead welcomed the report and the progress that had been made, adding that Healthwatch Herefordshire had been impressed with the liaison between health and social care during recent months. In response to a question, the assistant director all ages commissioning said that there was every intention to maintain the trajectory and build upon the close working relationships that had been established. The assistant director social care operations commented on the learning that had been captured and how this was informing discharge to assess and other processes.
On behalf of the board, the vice-chairperson thanked the director for adults and wellbeing and his assistant directors for all their efforts. In response to a question, the assistant ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Date of next meeting The next scheduled meeting is Monday 8 March 2021 at 2.30 pm. Minutes: Monday 8 March 2021 |