Agenda and minutes

Venue: : Council Chamber, Brockington, 35 Hafod Road, Hereford, HR1 1SH

Contact: Paul Rogers, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item



To elect a Chairman for the remainder of the ensuing year.


Mrs JS Powell was nominated and seconded for the Chair.


RESOLVED:   That Mrs JS Powell be appointed as the Chair of Herefordshire Schools Forum for the ensuing year.




To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Mr T Edwards, Ms T Kneale, Mr P Whitcombe, Mr T Knapp and Ms S Woodrow.



To receive any details of Members nominated to attend the meeting in place of a Member of the Forum.


Mrs D Coates substituted for Ms T Kneale.



To receive any declarations of interest by Members in respect of items on the Agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.


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To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2009.


RESOLVED:   That, subject to the following amendments, the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman,


(i)                 the word ‘together’ in Resolution (a) to Minute no.10 be deleted;


(ii)        the word ‘high’ be substituted with the word ‘all’ in the Resolution to Minute no.11.



To consider any issues raised as either a late item or any other business.


There were no late items or any other business.



To consider an independent report on Schools Funding Issues and report back to the Schools’ Task Group.


Additional documents:


The Forum received an independent report on Schools Funding issues for consideration and report back to the Schools’ Task Group.


Prior to considering the report, the Forum received a power point presentation by the Director of Children’s Services with regard to Schools’ Revenue Funding and Children’s Revenue Funding. The Director referred to concern that had been raised by members at previous Forum meetings on the complexities of Schools funding and informed members that the presentation was intended to provide members with a better understanding of schools revenue funding and greater transparency. A copy of the power point presentation is attached to the Minutes.


The presentation covered the funding sources for schools and other services to Children and Young People (CYP), Dedicated Schools Grant, the division of funding to schools and other services, and grants including Standards fund and Area Based Grant. Budgetary values based on 2009/10 financial year for the funding sources were also set out.


The Director also circulated at the meeting the following information in support of the presentation, copies of which are attached to the Minutes:


(a)               Local Authority Expenditure including Area based Grant - Appendix 1


(b)               Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) 2009/10 - Appendix 2


(c)               Grants 2009/10 – Appendix 3


(d)               Area Based Grant (ABG) 2009/10 Allocations – Appendix 4


(e)               Standards Fund Grants 2008 – 2011 – Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) Publication



The Director emphasised that Appendix 1 gave a separation of this years financial figures for all Council funded central services for CYP.  Appendix 2 specified the services paid for from the DSG provisional allocation and specified the Direct School Grants. Appendix 3 gave a breakdown of all the grants which were also referred to in the presentation.


The Director informed the Forum that it was the intention in future to present financial information to the Forum in a sharper format. This would include an annual spreadsheet showing central Funding, DSG and retained elements, ABG and other grants. Forum decisions and the impact of those decisions  would also be included in that information.


A member referred to the situation where the local authority makes the decisions to close schools and that schools must adhere to such decisions. The member asked if there was a centrally held funds target figure set by the Local Authority to reduce spend.


The Director confirmed that should the Authority decide to close schools at any point in the future the funding would be returned to the schools ISB and levels agreed by the Forum. In emphasising that there was not a target to reduce central spend specifically; the Director informed members that there was a need to achieve good value in delivering core services. The Director also emphasised there was a delicate balance in achieving funding levels and achieving good value. There would need to be consultation and debate with the Forum on those issues if any configuration of central services to schools were to change.



The Director also emphasised was a delicate balance in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.



To consider and approve the revision of the Schools Forum constitution.

Additional documents:


The Head of Planning Policy and Performance presented a report regarding the proposed revision of the constitution. He advised that following on from the last meeting, the constituent bodies had been consulted and their comments were included in the report. He informed members that he would ensure that School Finance would be included in induction training for new members as a key issue.


A teacher staff representative informed the Forum that at a recent meeting of teaching staff, the meeting was of the view that their representation on the Forum should remain at two, one representative for primary schools and one for secondary schools.


(Chris – Nigel Griffiths supported the inclusion of a business manager rep. but there was no specific resolution to that effect. Do you agree with me?)


An Early Years and Extended Services Member supported the need for the representation for early years to remain at two members and that in reducing the proposed membership to one member would not give adequate representation on the Forum to serve all the providers and children.


A 14 -19 partnership representative strongly supported the need for two members on the Forum for the reasons as set out in the report.


The Head of Planning Policy and Performance informed members that the new membership would be phased in for current members taking into account their remaining term of office. He advised that there would be consultation between Financial Services and the Budget Review Working Group to formulate a Forward Plan.


RESOLVED:   That, subject to the following amendments, the proposed revised constitution as attached to the report be approved to take effect on 1 September 2009:


(i)         the Teaching Association representation be deleted to be replaced  with one primary school Trade Union representative and one secondary school Trade Union  representative;


(ii)               there will be two Early Years and Extended Services



(iii)             there will be two 14-19 Partnership representatives;


(iv)      Herefordshire Association for Secondary Headteachers will be set the Term of office for their representatives to comply with a maximum three year term of office.