Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Herefordshire Council Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE
Contact: Matthew Evans, Democratic Services Officer
Link: Watch this meeting live on the Herefordshire Council Youtube Channel
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor John Stone. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interests in respect of Table 1, Table 2 or Other Interests from members of the committee in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2023. Minutes: A correction to the minutes of the previous meeting was outlined to the committee. Under minute 84 (212518 – Land South of Yew Tree Farm, Ruckhall, Common Road, Eaton Bishop, Hereford,HR2 9QX) the name of the objector who spoke at the meeting required correction to Mrs Wall and the term ‘four’ in the resolution to be amended to ‘for’.
RESOLVED: That, subject to the correction outlined above, the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2023 be approved. |
221604 - LAND TO THE NORTH OF THE B4348, MUCH DEWCHURCH, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR2 8DQ Proposed erection of a detached dwellinghouse. Decision: Application approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation. Minutes: Councillor Richard Thomas left the committee to act as the local ward member for the application below.
The senior planning officer gave a presentation on the application and the updates/representations received following the publication of the agenda as provided in the update sheet and appended to these minutes.
In accordance with the council's constitution the local ward member spoke on the application. In summary, he explained that due to the flooding problems in the field proposed for the development he was asking the committee to refuse the application. Photographs had been circulated which showed flooding on and around the application site. The neighbouring property to the application site had experienced flooding up to the boundary of the garden; the application site lay at a level 1 metre below the neighbouring property and therefore flooding would occur on the proposed development. The applicant had sought to prove that there would be no flooding but the site was known locally to flood. A previous application for development on the site was refused due to inadequate flood risk assessments and the decision was upheld on appeal. There existed a more suitable location for development on a higher part of the site and it was not understood why the applicant sought to build on the same site that had been previously refused.
The committee debated the application. During consideration of the application the representations and local knowledge of the ward member and Parish Council in respect of the site were acknowledged and appreciated. The committee noted that statutory consultees, including Balfour Beatty, had not raised any objections to the location of the development with regard to the risk of flooding.
The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate. The incidence of flooding had become more frequent and the application site was in an area which had experienced significant flooding three times since 2012.
A motion that the application be approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation was proposed by Councillor Bruce Baker and seconded by Councillor Clare Davies. The motion was put to the vote and was carried by a simple majority.
That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions and any other further conditions considered necessary by officers named in the scheme of delegation to officers:
224160 - 26 WHITEHORSE SQUARE, HEREFORD, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR4 0HD Proposed change from garden room/gym to one bedroom holiday let. Parking to be provided at rear of property. (No external changes to building).
Decision: Application approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation. Minutes: Councillor Diana Toynbee left the committee to act as the local ward member for the application below.
The Development Manager Hereford and South Team gave a presentation on the application and the updates/representations received following the publication of the agenda as provided in the update sheet and appended to these minutes. A further verbal update was provided to confirm that a separate postcode would be provided for the holiday accommodation.
In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, a statement was read out on behalf of Hereford City Council and Mrs Williams, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
In accordance with the council's constitution the local ward member spoke on the application. In summary, she explained that the application had attracted a high level of interest from local residents and generated a lot of correspondence. Due to the level of interest in the application she had requested the redirection to committee. It was pleasing that a separate postcode would be provided for the holiday accommodation. The representations on the application concerned noise, manoeuvring vehicles and access from Westfaling Street. The planning history as set out in the report was also relevant.
The committee debated the application. The committee noted the parking spaces allocated for the holiday accommodation and the access for cars from Westfaling Street.
The local Ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate. A motion that the application be approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation was proposed by Councillor Polly Andrews and seconded by Councillor Richard Thomas. The motion was put to the vote and was carried by a simple majority.
That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions: