Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Conference Room, Herefordshire Council Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE

Contact: Sarah Buffrey 

Link: Watch the recording of this meeting on the Herefordshire Council Youtube Channel

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Cllr David Hitchiner.



To receive declarations of interests in respect of Schedule 1, Schedule 2 or Other Interests from members of the committee in respect of items on the agenda.




MINUTES pdf icon PDF 871 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2022.


Resolved:       That the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2022 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairperson.




Questions from members of the public pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To receive questions from members of the public.


Additional documents:


Questions received and responses given are attached as appendix 1 to the minutes.


Questions from councillors

To receive questions from councillors.



There were no questions from councillors.


Reports from Scrutiny Committees

To receive reports from the Council’s scrutiny committees on any recommendations to the Cabinet arising from recent scrutiny committee meetings.


There were no reports from scrutiny committees.


Hereford Transport Hub - approval of outline design, specification and cost plan pdf icon PDF 449 KB

This report presents an update on the Hereford Transport Hub project, and seeks approval for the cost plan. It takes forwards steps identified in the 22 July 2021 cabinet report for the Transport Hub.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member infrastructure and transport introduced the report and summarised the background to the project.


Cabinet members discussed the proposal and welcomed the progress on the project. It was noted that consultation had taken place and the results fed into the proposed design. There was still an opportunity to influence the final design. A bid had been made to the Levelling Up Fund and the outcome was expected soon.


The cabinet member confirmed he would make sure that a full equality impact assessment would take place as part of the next stages.


Group leaders presented the comments and queries of their groups. The progress in the project was generally welcomed but concerns were raised in relation to the safety of the drive in reverse out design. In response to queries raised it was noted that:

·       A drive in reverse out design was preferred, many existing stations operated this system, and the safety concerns raised would be considered;

·       The scope of the project was focussed on the hub but the design would link into further planned improvements in the surrounding area.


It was unanimously resolved that:


a)             Cabinet approves the cost plan for the Hereford Transport Hub design;

b)             Cabinet approves that the project proceeds from Planning and Design stage (stage 2) to Delivery stage (stage 3);

c)             Cabinet recommends to Council the inclusion of the additional amount of £6.33m into the capital programme; and

d)             All operational decisions to be delegated to the Corporate Director for Economy and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport and Section 151 officer.


Peterchurch Primary School Rebuild pdf icon PDF 312 KB

To approve the rebuilding of Peterchurch Primary School on its existing site.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member children and families introduced the report and summarised the background to the project. It was noted that funding was challenging and a consequence was the proposal not to refurbish the swimming pool. The new build would leave space on the site and time was allowed for the school and wider community to put together a business case to support the building and running of a replacement pool. It was a priority to make the building highly efficient and the inclusion of a nurture hub would provide emotional support and encouragement to children.


The cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets thanked officers for their work and councillors who had contributed to the project.


Cabinet members discussed the report and welcomed the development. The reasons for not replacing the pool were understood and the opportunities for a community led replacement were highlighted.


Group leaders gave the comments of their groups. The rebuild of the school was widely supported. In response to queries raised it was noted that:

·       Passivhaus was the minimum standard aimed for in the design, BREAM was not being used as the standard as it was not as effective in ensuring thermal efficiency and there was a charge for gaining the official BREAM certification;

·       Schools no longer paid business rates to the council as direct payments were made to billing authorities by the Education and Skills Funding Agency on behalf of the Department for Education;

·       It would be useful to understand why the project had taken so long to get to this point and what lessons could be learnt.


It was unanimously resolved that:


a)             Planning permission be sought for the rebuild of Peterchurch Primary School on its current site;

b)             Subject to securing planning consent, the rebuild of Peterchurch Primary School, at a capacity of 140 pupils plus 26 nursery places, and to include provision of a nurture hub be approved within a budget of £10.853m including fees and contingency;

c)             A period of 12 months is allowed for the school and Parish Council to seek a viable arrangement to fund and maintain a new replacement swimming pool, with delegated authority given to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with Corporate Director, Children and Young People and Cabinet Members for Commissioning, Procurement and Assets and Children’s and Family Services, and Young People’s Attainment, to consider and decide any business case put forward;

d)             In the absence of a viable business case in recommendation (c), the demolition and making good of the swimming pool site be approved within the budget;

e)             Delegated responsibility for award of procured contracts for the lifecycle of the project, is given to the Corporate Director, Children and Young People; and

f)               The Service Director, Education, Skills and Learning, be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above.




Support for Ukraine pdf icon PDF 291 KB

To seek approval for the spend plan which details how funding from the Government for the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme will be spent.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member health and adult wellbeing introduced the report and highlighted that Herefordshire had so far welcomed 511 guests, residing with 189 sponsors.


Cabinet members praised the response from the community. In relation to what would happen at the end of the sponsorship period, it was noted that many of the Ukrainians hosted had already sought and obtained jobs. They would transition into private housing in due course or seek housing through the homepoint system like anyone else. There would be no priority access to affordable housing.


Group leaders also paid tribute to the community support for these refugees. It was noted that:

·       Integration into the community was important;

·       The county had close links to Ukraine and the response to the crisis reflected this;

·       A pilot project offering free bus travel to refugees was currently running in the Ross on Wye area and if successful would be rolled out across the county;

·       School transport for Ukrainian families had already been provided;

·       Additional funding was provided for children of refugees joining Herefordshire schools.



It was unanimously resolved that:


a)             The planned support for Ukraine and associated spending as set out in the report and Appendix A is approved; and


b)             That authority is delegated to the Corporate Director for Community Wellbeing to take all operational and budgetary decisions in relation to their proposals and the implementation, including the use of contingency sums and budget variations within the overall approved budget.