Agenda and minutes

Venue: Herefordshire Council Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE

Contact: Michael Carr, Statutory Scrutiny Officer 

Link: Watch this meeting live on the Herefordshire Council Youtube Channel

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence.



Apologies were received from Councillor Philip Howells.


Named substitutes

To receive details of members nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the board.


There were none.


Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interests in respect of Schedule 1, Schedule 2 or Other Interests from members of the board in respect of items on the agenda.


There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 228 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2022.


The minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2022 were agreed as a correct record.


Questions from members of the public

To receive any written questions from members of the public.


There were no questions from members of the public received.


Questions from members of the council

To receive any written questions from members of the council.


There were no questions from members of the Council received.


Budget Scrutiny - 2023/24 Budget Setting Progress pdf icon PDF 259 KB

To consider the progress of the development of the 2023/24 budget proposals and Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).

Additional documents:


The Chairperson set out the reason for the consideration of this item, which was to scrutinise the budget performance and emerging issues and to consider the progress of the development of the 2023/24 budget proposals and Mid Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).This item was part of the scrutiny of the Council’s budget, including the emerging budget priorities, positioning, assumptions and risks informing the development of the budget proposals for 2023-2024.


To assist the committee in the scrutiny of budget performance, the report included the cover reports for end of year budget performance for 2021/22 and Quarter 1 2022/23, the details of which had already been published in the Cabinet papers, to also provide insight into ongoing issues for the development of next year’s budget. 


At its next meeting on 28th November 2022, the committee was expecting to receive a report on Budget Performance Quarter 2 2022-2023, which would provide an opportunity provide accountability on the delivery of the Council’s budget, as well as further help to inform the recurrent budget issues. 


The Chairperson set out the order in which the budget matters would be considered. First, to invite the Director of Resources and Assurance to present the key issues for the development of the 2023-2024 budget, then to move to questions on the end of year budget performance for 2021/22 and Quarter 1 2022/23, then, questions on the development of the 2023-2024 budget, and then to move to debate and consideration of the conclusions reached by the committee. The Chairperson invited the Director of Resources and Assurance to present the report and slides provided in the agenda papers.


The Director of Resources and Assurance set out the context for the budget setting process.  He explained that the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities had advised in July that the local government settlement announced in December 2022 would be a flat two year settlement. Inflation was a significant budget pressure, with global events and uncertainty driving up inflation.  It was anticipated that inflation was likely to be over 10% over the medium term. The Bank of England had raised interest rates over summer and further rate increases were expected. In addition, in Herefordshire there was a stated need to invest in children's services.  He said that there was a structural disconnect between rate of increase in funding and costs, costs are increasing at an unprecedented rate.


The Government’s September 2022 fiscal statement, however, did not provide information on local government funding. Residents and local businesses were facing significant cost of living challenges and energy costs. He explained that the funding model for local government made little allowance for the transition to an inflation driven economy. 9.7% of the base budget was funded from Government grants and the current assumption was that this would not increase.


21.6% of the base budget was funded from retained business rates. The current assumption was that this would not increase. 68.2% of the base budget was funded from Council Tax, the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Progress Report pdf icon PDF 230 KB

This report provides a brief update on issues previously considered by the Scrutiny Management Board, including responses to information requests made by the committee, updates on resolutions made by the committee, including reports and recommendations to the executive and the Executive Response and executive decision made in respect of scrutiny reports and recommendations.


The Statutory Scrutiny Officer presented the report. This was a standing agenda item with an information report to receive an update on issues previously considered by the Scrutiny Management Board. This report provided a brief summary update on issues previously considered by the Scrutiny Management Board, including responses to information requests made by the committee, updates on resolutions made by the committee, including reports and recommendations to the Executive and the Executive Response and executive decisions made in respect of scrutiny reports and recommendations. The Statutory Scrutiny Officer explained that there were some information requests pending, that should be tracked in the report to the next meeting of the committee, along with nonfiction of anticipated updates to the scrutiny committee work plans.




That the progress report on scrutiny information requests, scrutiny reports and recommendations and other matters raised by the committee be noted.


Date of the next meeting

To note the date of the next meeting scheduled for Monday 28th November 2022 at 2pm.


It was noted that the date of the next meeting was scheduled for Monday 28th November 2022 at 2pm.