Committee details
Scrutiny Management Board
Purpose of committee
Scrutiny is a statutory role fulfilled by councillors who are not members of the cabinet.
The role of the scrutiny committees is to help develop policy, to carry out reviews of council and other local services, and to hold decision makers to account for their actions and decisions.
The remit of the Scrutiny Management Board includes:
· To undertake the scrutiny role in relation to areas which are cross cutting nature e.g. corporate strategy and finance (budget), people and performance and corporate support.
· Where a matter falls within the remit of one or more scrutiny committees, decide which committee will consider it and whether a spotlight, task and finish or standing panel review is appropriate
· Budget
· Treasury management
· Approve an annual work programme for itself and the other scrutiny committees
· Oversee communications to members and public in relation to scrutiny matters
· The co-ordination of an annual effectiveness review
· Oversight of performance of Council’s companies, e.g. Hoople
Members of the public can get involved by attending a meeting in public, asking a question at a meeting in public and by suggesting a topic for scrutiny.
For further information, please see Scrutiny at Herefordshire Council.
- Councillor Jenny Bartlett
- Councillor Simeon Cole
- Councillor Frank Cornthwaite
- Councillor Pauline Crockett
- Councillor Dave Davies
- Councillor Toni Fagan
- Councillor Liz Harvey
- Councillor Ed O'Driscoll
- Councillor Ben Proctor (Chairperson)
- Councillor Louis Stark (Vice-Chairperson)
- Councillor Richard Thomas
- Councillor Rob Williams
Contact information
Support officer: Danial Webb, Statutory Scrutiny Officer.
Phone: 01432 260659