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The Executive or Cabinet of Herefordshire Council consists of a Leader and Deputy Leader and seven other Cabinet Members each with their own individual programme area responsibilities.
Click on the portfolio titles below to see details of the services covered and the current portfolio holder:
- Corporate strategy and budget
- Environment
- Adults, health and wellbeing
- Children and young people
- Community services and assets
- Economy and growth
- Finance and corporate services
- Roads and regulatory services
- Transport and infrastructure
Click here to see a complete list of portfolio responsibilities in a single document.
Portfolios list
Click on the portfolio titles below to see details of the services covered and the current portfolio holder:
- Corporate strategy and budget
- Environment
- Adults, health and wellbeing
- Children and young people
- Community services and assets
- Economy and growth
- Finance and corporate services
- Roads and regulatory services
- Transport and infrastructure
Click here to see a complete list of portfolio responsibilities in a single document.
Portfolios list