Meeting attendance

Tuesday 28 February 2023 2.30 pm, Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Herefordshire Council Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE

Contact:    Simon Cann, Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Graham Andrews Member In attendance
Phil Bullingham Officer Expected
Tess Burgess Officer Present
Communications Team Officer Expected
Wiktor Daron Representative of the Archdiocese of Cardiff Co-Optee Present
Councillor Toni Fagan Member In attendance
Liz Farr Officer Expected
Darryl Freeman Officer In attendance
Kimberley Gaffey Officer Expected
Rachel Gillott Officer Present
Deborah Glassbrook Officer Present
Dylan Harrison Officer Present
Councillor Jennie Hewitt Vice-Chairperson In attendance
Councillor Phillip Howells Chairperson In attendance
Councillor Helen I'Anson Member In attendance
Andy James Parent governor representative for the special school sector Co-Optee Apologies
Sarah Jarrat Officer Present
Chris Jones Officer Expected
Councillor Mike Jones Member Apologies, sent representative
Les Knight Officer Expected
Ceri Morgan Officer Expected
Bart Popelier Officer Present
Sam Pratley Representative of the Diocese of Hereford Co-Optee Apologies
Fiona Reid Representative of Families Co-Optee In attendance
Councillor John Stone Member Apologies
Paul Walker Officer Expected