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Councillors and democracy
Agendas, meetings and minutes
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Andrews, Councillor Polly Andrews
Baker, Councillor Bruce Baker
Bartlett, Councillor Jenny Bartlett
Bartrum, Councillor Chris Bartrum
Biggs, Councillor Graham Biggs
Boulter, Councillor Dave Boulter
Bramer, Councillor Harry Bramer
Carwardine, Councillor Jacqui Carwardine
Chowns, Councillor Ellie Chowns
Cole, Councillor Simeon Cole
Cornthwaite, Councillor Frank Cornthwaite
Crockett, Councillor Pauline Crockett
Davies, Councillor Clare Davies
Davies, Councillor Dave Davies
Durkin, Councillor Barry Durkin
Dykes, Councillor Mark Dykes
Engel, Councillor Matthew Engel
Fagan, Councillor Toni Fagan
Foxton, Councillor Elizabeth Foxton
Gandy, Councillor Carole Gandy
Gennard, Councillor Catherine Gennard
Hamblin, Councillor Peter Hamblin
Harvey, Councillor Liz Harvey
Heathfield, Councillor Helen Heathfield
Highfield, Councillor Robert Highfield
Hitchiner, Councillor David Hitchiner
Hurcomb, Councillor Dan Hurcomb
James, Councillor Terry James
Kenyon, Councillor Jim Kenyon
Lester, Councillor Jonathan Lester
Mason, Councillor Nick Mason
Matthews, Cllr Bob Matthews
O'Driscoll, Councillor Ed O'Driscoll
Oliver, Councillor Aubrey Oliver
Owens, Councillor Rob Owens
Peberdy, Councillor Justine Peberdy
Phillips, Councillor Roger Phillips
Powell, Councillor Daniel Powell
Powell, Councillor Ivan Powell
Price, Councillor Philip Price
Proctor, Councillor Ben Proctor
Simmons, Councillor Stef Simmons
Spencer, Councillor Adam Spencer
Stark, Councillor Louis Stark
Stoddart, Councillor Pete Stoddart
Stone, Councillor John Stone
Swinglehurst, Councillor Elissa Swinglehurst
Thomas, Councillor Richard Thomas
Tillett, Councillor Kevin Tillett
Toynbee, Councillor Diana Toynbee
Williams, Councillor Allan Williams
Williams, Councillor Rob Williams
Woodall, Councillor Mark Woodall
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