Issue details

Dental services in Herefordshire

To provide information to the Health, Care and Wellbeing Committee in order to support their work to:

- identify the responsibilities of the local authority in respect of oral health, and the responsibilities of NHS England, in respect of dentistry.
- examine Hereford’s oral health outcomes and the work being undertaken to improve the oral health of the local population.
- investigate the pressures and challenges faced by dental care services and the work being undertaken to improve access to dental care.
- examine the local population’s views and experiences of accessing and using NHS dental services and
- identify potential recommendations to improve the oral health of Herefordshire’s population and access to dental care.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/01/2025

Decision due: 27 January 2025 by Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Lead director: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing

Department: Community Wellbeing

Contact: Danial Webb, Statutory Scrutiny Officer Email: Tel: 01432 260659.


  • Dental services in Herefordshire