Issue details

North Magazine Residual Infrastructure Works, Hereford Enterprise Zone

Significant infrastructure works on the North Magazine were undertaken in 2021/22 following the master planning of the site to break the site up into 12 plots in preparation for sale and development. This included construction of internal access roads, installation of utilities and drainage systems and the raising of a number of the development plots in order to meet flood management requirements.

The council is now ready to commence the final construction phase at the North Magazine following a successful tender exercise. Works will include the raising of Plots 4, 8 and 10 and the removal and crushing of a concrete slab on Plot 7, making the plots development ready. The works will also include installation of a vehicle access barrier, an information board sign and

The works also include a road safety scheme at the greenway crossing in Thorn Business Park costed at £9,349.34 which will be paid for out of the Leveling Up Fund. The remainder of the project will be funded out of Phase 5 of the Enterprise Zone Capital Interventions.

Golden Valley Construction Limited been appointed following an open tender exercise which was carried out via the pro contract system, and evaluated against both cost and quality.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/02/2024

Decision due: 15 December 2023 by Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Contact: Ross Cook, Corporate Director - Economy and Environment Email:
