Issue details

Unpaid Carers Strategy (abandoned as duplicate issue to the All Ages Carers Strategy)

Review and update the current Carers Strategy for Herefordshire

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Strategic nature / impact on communities;

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/01/2024

Decision due: 23 May 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet member adults, health and wellbeing

Lead director: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing

Department: Community Wellbeing

Contact: John Burgess, Senior Commissioning Officer Email:


Between September and December 2023 there were a number of events, meetings and presentations given to a wide selection of groups and individuals who are carers themselves, or represent and support unpaid carers. There was also a short survey of services that provide support to unpaid carers. Presentations have been given to a wide range of partnership boards which include The Autism Partnership Board, Dementia Partnership and Programme Boards, the Mental Health Advisory Group. Presentation was also shared and discussed at Transformation Tuesday, which is a multi-agency group across health and social care to share information and get feedback on new ideas and projects.
In addition there has been a strategy working group in place with membership from health and social care statutory agencies, carer support organisations including young carers, as well as individuals who are carers themselves.

Details of any declarations of interest: None