Issue details

Best Start in Life Strategic Delivery Plan

The purpose of the paper is to provide the Board with an update on the progress of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy draft implementation plans for the two key priorities ‘Best Start in Life’ (BSiL) and ‘Good Mental Health’ (GMH).

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/11/2023

Decision due: 4 December 2023 by Health and Wellbeing Board

Lead member: Cabinet member adults, health and wellbeing, Cabinet member children and young people

Lead director: Director of public health

Department: Community Wellbeing

Contact: Lindsay MacHardy, Public Health Principal Email: Tel: 01432 260554, Matt Pearce, Director of Public Health Email: Tel: 01432 383783, Jade Richards Email:

Agenda items


  • Best Start in Life Strategic Delivery Plan