Issue details
Decision to approve and launch the Cultural Development and Cultural Programming grant schemes as part of the UKSPF Investment Plan.
In April 2022, the government launched the UK
Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), to replace the European Union
funded structural funds. The primary goal of the UKSPF is to build
pride in place and increase life chances across the UK. This aligns
with the Levelling Up White Paper missions. Funding is targeted
where it is needed most: building pride in place, supporting high
quality skills training, supporting pay, employment and
productivity growth and increasing life chances.
The council has been allocated £7,545,330 to be spent between
2022 and 2025, of which, £903,194 is for
‘Multiply’ adult numeracy support which is subject to a
separate decision. The government announced approval of the
Investment Plan on the 5 December 2022, and Cabinet took the
decision to accept and spend these funds on 15th December,
Under the Community and Places Investment Priority, the Cultural
Grant scheme will deliver measure E4, which supports enhancing
existing cultural, historic and heritage institutions and results
in an improved perception of facilities and amenities in
Herefordshire, increased footfall, and more events and
participatory programmes; and E6, which supports local arts,
culture, heritage and creative activities and results in improved
engagement and new local cultural events and activities across the
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/06/2023
Decision due: 7 June 2023 by Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Contact: Ross Cook, Corporate Director - Economy and Environment Email: