Issue details

Authorisation to spend designated funding for Market Town Highways Improvements

The funding aims to support the council’s Highways Asset Management Strategy, mitigating the risk on the network, as part of a long term strategy in providing sustained investment. The projects address specific risks on the network as set out in the report. The projects are capital investment and as such will be allocated unique budget codes that will be used for monitoring and reporting by the corporate project management team alongside the Public Realm Contract annual plan management process.
The £1m Market Towns Highways Improvements investment supports the sustained investment county-wide. The project invests in the market towns Public Realm assets supporting the economic and community facilities in the towns. This is an ongoing programme of works targeted at treating the public realm assets. The town councils and local ward members are being consulted with the proposed programme of works and will include resurfacing works, drainage and TRO schemes. The programme of works will deliver scoping, design and construction elements for each market town. £200,000 is assigned for this for each market town.

The project market town programmes are attached, they are indicative and are being finalised with the town councils and local members. The final programme of works will be managed through contract change control. The schemes will be target costed and subject to benchmarking with similar schemes to ensure value for money.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/06/2023

Decision due: 7 June 2023 by Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Contact: Ross Cook, Corporate Director - Economy and Environment Email:
