Issue details

Decision to spend from the Property Services Estates Capital Works Programme on Building Improvements at Monkton Farmhouse, Ocle Pychard, Hereford

These works are part of the Capital Building Improvement Programme 2022/25.

The required improvement works have been assessed and prioritised based upon select criteria which covers health & safely, operational need/impact and lifecycle/value, and include:

-Asbestos removals

External works to include:
- Replacement fascia, doors and windows;
- Localised repointing and repairs to brickwork;
- Replacement rainwater goods;

Internal works to include
- Internal improvements to internal walls and ceilings;
- Mechanical & Electrical improvements

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2023

Decision due: 26 May 2023 by Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Contact: Sarah Jowett, Strategic Assets Delivery Director Email: Tel: 01432 383302.
