Issue details

Landlords consent for tenant’s alterations at Hinton Community Centre, Hereford

•Hinton Community Association occupy the property under the terms of a lease dated 18th March 2016 and are seeking landlord’s approval for alterations to the property
•The works comprise the construction of a single storey extension to the side of the property to increase and enhance meeting room facilities which will extend the options for local community use including youth work and space for multi-agency use in areas such as mental health and anti-social behavior.
•The lease provides that consent must not be unreasonably withheld and there is no good reason in this case to do so as the proposals are intended to enhance the facilities available to the local community
•The consent will be subject to obtaining any necessary planning, building regulation and any other necessary statutory consents plus provision of as built plans and evidence of health and safety compliance and the tenant will be required to carry out the works to ensure the highest standards of safety and care are met.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/05/2023

Decision due: 10 May 2023 by Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Contact: Sarah Jowett, Strategic Assets Delivery Director Email: Tel: 01432 383302.
