Issue details
Adoption of the Environmental Building Standards SPD
The purpose of the EBS SPD is to drive up
environmental standards of buildings in Herefordshire and set out
recommendations to drive up higher, more efficient standards of
building design and construction and will encourage the adoption of
these by developers and householders. The SPD will supplement Local
Plan policy and provides detail of how development can achieve
higher quality buildings through design and higher quality
materials, as well as greater use of renewable energy technology in
buildings to ensure that it is fully aligned with our zero-carbon,
nature-rich goals for Herefordshire. The SPD includes best practice
recommendations for standards in key areas of building performance,
energy use, external environment, accessibility, and construction.
The guidance also includes best practice case study examples for
high-quality sustainable design, use, and construction.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/03/2023
Decision due: 14 April 2023 by Cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning
Lead member: Cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning
Lead director: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Department: Economy and Environment
Contact: Karla Johnson, Senior Planning Officer Email:
- Adoption of the Environmental Building Standards SPD