Issue details

Care Providers Annual Fee Review 2023 – 2024

In line with contractual obligations, the council must review the fees paid
to Social Care providers on an annual basis. The portfolio areas included in this review are Care Homes, Home Care, Supported Living, Shared Lives and Community Activities.
The proposed recommendations will ensure that the council is able to fulfil its role in shaping and supporting the market place, as identified under the Care Act 2014, to support the wider care market in delivering a range of sustainable, high quality services to meet the demands of the community now and in the future.
It is critical that the provider markets in Hertfordshire are stable, able to
maintain continuity and quality provision, to ensure eligible needs can be

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/03/2023

Decision due: 9 March 2023 by Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing

Contact: Hilary Hall, Corporate Director Community Wellbeing Email:
