Issue details

To award a contract to Metaphor Communications Limited

NLHF expect a completed Interpretation Plan to form part of the stage 2 application bid to outline what activities the Museum service will run following the successful completion of this project.

The Interpretation plan will inform the design of the spaces within the museum.

The proposed £15m significant redevelopment of the Grade 2 listed Hereford Museum and Art Gallery is a flagship project in the Hereford Town Investment Plan. The project will establish a modern high quality museum and art gallery visitor experience, attracting high profile exhibitions, providing additional space to display local heritage artefacts potentially including the Herefordshire Hoard, include a café and shop, and provide opportunities for corporate hospitality. A key feature of the proposed project is a culture trail on the roof of the historic building offering views over the city, including the Hereford Cathedral located opposite the site.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/07/2022

Decision due: 22 July 2022 by Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Contact: Ross Cook, Corporate Director - Economy and Environment Email:
