Issue details

Progress report on internal audit activity

To update members on the progress of internal audit work and to bring to their attention any key internal control issues arising from work recently completed. To enable the committee to monitor performance of the internal audit team against the approved plan.

To assure the committee that action is being taken on risk related issues identified by internal audit. This is monitored by acceptance by management of audit recommendations and progress updates in implementing the agreed action plans. In addition, audit recommendations not accepted by management are reviewed and progress to an appropriate recommendation to cabinet if it is considered that the course of action proposed by management presents a risk in terms of the effectiveness of or compliance with the council’s control environment.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/07/2022

Decision due: 25 July 2022 by Audit and Governance Committee

Lead member: Cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning

Lead director: Director of Resources and Assurance (Historic)

Department: Corporate Support Centre

Contact: Joanne Moore, Interim Head of Corporate Finance Email: Tel: 01432 261555.

Agenda items


  • Progress report on internal audit activity