Issue details

Approval to appoint a Large Account Reseller (LAR) and to confirm the renewal of Microsoft Products/Enterprise Agreement for 2022-2025

In order to operate, manage and purchase Microsoft products and services Herefordshire Council must identify and nominate a Large Account Reseller [LAR], for an initial period of 3 years from the anticipated contract start date of 1st June 2022. The reseller will act as the Microsoft subject matter expert providing advice and guidance on Microsoft products.

The nominated reseller will arrange the renewal of the three year Enterprise Agreement, which is the contractual arrangement to provide Licences and Software Assurance for many Microsoft Products in use at Herefordshire Council. The Enterprise Agreement covers the licencing required for:
• Computer operating systems (Windows 10) for all desktops and laptops
• Server operating systems (Windows Server) and management tools (System Center).
Appropriate licencing is a compliance requirement and is not optional.

A procurement process was undertaken through KCS Framework Software Products & Associated Services 2 (Y20011) Lot 1 via Herefordshire Councils e-tendering portal, Supplying the Southwest (also known as ProContract). Four compliant bids were received by the tender close date and were evaluated in accordance with the rules as stipulated within the tender document. This evaluation consisted of an assessment of Quality and Price.

Phoenix Software Ltd provided the most economically advantageous tender and are therefore recommended for award.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/06/2022

Decision due: 13 June 2022 by Director of Resources and Assurance (Historic)

Contact: Andrew Lovegrove, Director of Resources and Assurance Email:
