Issue details

Hereford Enterprise Zone – granting of necessary easements to Power Distribution for cable and access rights at Plot N24, North Magazine, Rotherwas.

Plot N24 was sold to NMITE in May 2021 in order to build their new specialist facilities to link students to businesses. As part of this sale it was agreed that the HEZ would arrange for a power supply to the site. Approval for works which included the new RMU on Plot N24 was given by the Director for Economy and Place on 1 March 2021.

As this is an RMU with a transformer for a single user then WPD do not require a land transfer but do need, as always , rights of access to allow them to maintain and repair the equipment before they energise that equipment and hence the site. Now that installation work has been completed, the relevant easements need to be progressed.
The Council will be providing rights of access to WPD on its land to the cables which run in a utility trench under the walkway at the back of the Shell Store. The Council will also be providing rights of access to WPD along the private roads it owns linking up the site to the public highway.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/06/2022

Decision due: 6 June 2022 by Delivery Director – Property Services

Contact: Sarah Jowett, Strategic Assets Delivery Director Email: Tel: 01432 383302.
