Issue details

2022/23 Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update

To recommend to Council for approval the capital investment budget and capital strategy for

2022/23 onwards.


Appendix A provides details of the proposed additions to the existing capital programme that have been identified and the impact of approving these additions. Twelve capital investment budget proposals totalling £32.08m have been identified, to be funded by capital grants (£13.01m), returns on capital investment (£5.55m), use of capital receipts reserve (£1.5m) and prudential borrowing (£12.02m).


In line with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountability (CIPFA) requirements a capital strategy has been written to reflect future direction for capital investment, the strategy is included at appendix D and in line with the guidelines requires Council approval.


Decision type: Budget and policy framework

Decision status: Recommend Forward to Council

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2021

Decision due: 31 January 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet member corporate strategy and budget

Lead director: Chief finance officer

Department: Corporate Support Centre

Contact: Karen Morris, Strategic Capital Finance Manager Email: Tel: 01432 261865.


Agenda items