Issue details

Licence to Occupy and install new gates at Blackfriars Rose Gardens, Hereford

The Blackfriars Rose Gardens Hereford is owned by the council and comprises a formal garden accessed and used by local people as public open space.

The site is part of a Scheduled Ancient Monument and is situated in a Conservation Area and the Friends of Blackfriars Rose Gardens have sought approval to occupy part of the site for the purposes of providing and installing new ornamental gates to enhance the amenity of the site

They have consulted widely on the design of the gates, obtained the necessary planning and Scheduled Ancient Monument consents and have appointed a local well respected contractor to carry out the works.

The licence will be on the basis that all necessary statutory and other consents are fully complied with, all works are carried out to in such a way as to ensure public health and safety and any damage arising will be fully reinstated to the satisfaction of the Council and appropriate documentation confirming has been provided

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/12/2021

Decision due: 1 December 2021 by Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Contact: Gillian Stratford, Estates management officer commercial Email: Tel: 01432 261520.
