Issue details

To award an external evaluation of the COVID recovery 'get active' work stream to Tiller research

Due to the short timescales as the ‘Get active’ programme of work started delivery in September, providers for this service were limited.
A provider with sufficient experience in the design and evaluation of physical activity interventions and existing provider relationships was sought.
Three quotes were requested, one quote was received.
Tiller provided a detailed cost breakdown and options for the delivery.
Tiller will provide a mixed data analysis as well as a process evaluation for the ‘Get Active’ covid recovery funds projects.

The financial cost is below the £25,000 threshold for open tender.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/10/2021

Decision due: 6 October 2021 by Acting Director of Public Health

Contact: Rebecca Howell-Jones, Consultant in Public Health Email:
