Issue details
Decision to directly award £98,844 funding to Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire to support the delivery of the Covid Recovery plan and deliver improved access for digital inclusion across the county through existing community assets and infrast
The global Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting
measures taken to reduce the spread of the virus have had an
unprecedented impact on the national and local economy and on
people’s wellbeing and mental (as well as physical) health.
Nationally the magnitude of the recession caused by the pandemic is
unprecedented, GDP declined by 9.8% in 2020 the steepest drop since
records began in 1948.
The pandemic has also had a severe impact on people’s mental
health and wellbeing, due to long periods of anxiety, isolation,
and uncertainty. The Herefordshire Community Wellbeing Survey 2021
found 28% of people reported high levels of anxiety, 32%
experienced drop in household income, 33% doing less exercise, and
30% sleeping less well. Wellbeing is lowest in those living in the
most deprived areas.
The council has worked across all directorates to support
businesses, residents and communities throughout the pandemic to
remain as safe as possible and to prevent and reduce spread of
infection and protect those most vulnerable in our society.
Our focus now moves towards recovery. Over the coming months the
true impact of the pandemic will become better known for the
economy, community wellbeing and organisation.
To support the recovery cabinet approved a £6m Covid Recovery
Plan which includes the economy, community wellbeing and
organisation. The recovery plan now focuses on the immediate
impactful actions we need to take in the short term. Our priorities
are to:
- Establish Safe and Welcoming Places
- Support Business Viability and Resilience,
- Support Employment
- Support Wellbeing.
This ROOD will give authorisation for direct funding to be provided
to Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire to deliver the following
- 6 week courses
Co-ordinators will facilitate weekly cafes at rural locations
around Herefordshire such as village halls, community centres or
our own offices and make use of the wealth of how to guides that
are available to improve digital skills. Creating a weekly 6 week
course to cover: the basic skills, how to access and use social
media, set up email, use Zoom/Facetime/Video calling, how to stay
safe online and online shopping. These will be delivered by
Co-ordinators and supported by Digital Volunteers. A follow on 121
course will also be offered, if participants wish to continue their
learning. Age UK will work with them on a 121 basis to support with
specific individual tasks like personal admin for household bills,
setting up online energy accounts and personal banking.
- 121/Outreach support
For those who are at the very early stages of entering the digital
world, we will provide 121 outreach support by way of Co-ordinator
meeting with the client to understand their individual needs. Once
these needs have been established, a Digital Volunteer will be
allocated who will provide ongoing support to enable the client to
get online. This could be with liaising with broadband providers to
set up connections, supporting with purchasing the right equipment,
setting up new devices and end with supporting the client to attend
one of the courses being offered in their local area to continue to
build on their new skills.
- Tablet Loan
Purchasing 50 tablets, 20 of which will be dedicated to delivering
our courses. The remaining tablets will be made available for loan
to clients for a 3 month period to ‘try before they
buy’. An agreement will be established between Age UK and the
client so all parties are clear on their expectations. An agreement
will be established between Age UK and the client so all parties
are clear on their expectations. How tablets will be utilised
beyond the project timescales will be decided jointly by Age UK and
Herefordshire Council at the end of the project.
Age UK has modelled their offer on the following predicted
beneficiary impact:
Age UK believe the number of beneficiaries detailed below could be
supported based on: employing 2 Co-ordinators at 30hrs per week,
recruiting 20 volunteers to support with the café running
and 121 support, and that the project starts on time in
September/October 2021.
The number of beneficiaries per year are detailed below:
• 6 week computer café course:288
• Follow on 121 course: 60
• 121 Outreach: 80
• Tablet Loan: 50
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/09/2021
Decision due: 13 September 2021 by Acting director of adults and communities
Contact: Paul Smith, Service Director - All Ages Commissioning Email: Tel: 01432 261693.