Issue details
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Action Plan
To seek the views and invite policy influence
from the scrutiny committee on the action plan which identifies a
programme of work for reducing local flood risk within
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/02/2021
Decision due: 22 March 2021 by General scrutiny committee
Lead member: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport
Lead director: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)
Department: Economy and Place (Historic)
Contact: Steve Hodges, Directorate services team leader Email: Tel: 01432 261923.
Agenda items
- 22/03/2021 - General scrutiny committee Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Action Plan 22/03/2021
- Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Action Plan
Background papers