Issue details

Direct award of contract to Herefordshire Vennture to deliver a street based link work service to rough sleepers and other vulnerable people in Herefordshire.

As part of Herefordshire Council’s response to the COVID 19 crisis, temporary accommodation and support has been arranged for rough sleepers in Herefordshire. The recovery aspect of this response requires a model of support to provide long term, permanent solutions.

As part of a multi-agency response Herefordshire Vennture have been providing support and is able to mobilise promptly to ensure continuity of this provision in the recovery phase.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/06/2020

Decision due: 5 June 2020 by Director of adults and communities (Historic)

Contact: Stephen Vickers, Director for adults and communities Email:
