Issue details

Disposal of land adjacent to Hereford Railway Station to facilitate development of a new GP surgery

A decision was taken by the cabinet member contracts and assets on 8 May 2018to dispose of land adjacent to Hereford railway station by way of a 125 year lease to Prime (UK) Developments Ltd to facilitate the development of a new healthcare centre.


The disposal was conditional upon, amongst other matters, the development being completed within three years of the disposal date. The purchaser, Prime (UK) Developments Ltd, has requested that this period is amended to five years from the disposal date in order to comply with the conditions of their insurance and funding agreement. All other conditions remain unchanged.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Widemarsh;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/01/2019

Decision due: 24 January 2019 by Cabinet member contracts and assets

Lead member: Cabinet member contracts and assets

Lead director: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Department: Economy and Place (Historic)

Contact: Andrew Husband, Strategic property services manager Email: Tel: 01432 383552.

