Issue details

Report of the Budget Working Group

To consider the report of the budget working group (BWG) on the following matters:
1. Herefordshire schools budget 2019/20
2. f40 briefing on school funding
3. High needs budget 2019/20
4. DSG outturn 2017/18
5. Apprentice levy - update on the optimal use of the levy to support community and voluntary controlled schools in Herefordshire

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/10/2018

Decision due: 19 October 2018 by Herefordshire Schools Forum

Lead member: Cabinet member children and families

Lead director: Director of Children and Families (Historic)

Department: Children and Families (Historic)

Contact: Mr Malcolm Green, Senior finance manager schools Email: Tel: 01432 260818.

Agenda items


  • Report of the Budget Working Group