

31/08/2022 - Flexible Futures Policy ref: 9032    Recommendations Approved

To agree and implement the Flexible Futures Policy

Decision Maker: Chief executive

Decision published: 31/08/2022

Effective from: 31/08/2022


The Flexible Futures Policy, Appendix 1, is approved and implemented from 1st September 2022.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Leanne Edwards

28/07/2022 - 2023/24 Budget Setting Timetable ref: 8973    Recommendations Approved

Cabinet is required to publish its timetable for making proposals to Council for the following financial year’s revenue and capital budgets and estimates of future years’ revenue resources by way of a Medium Term Financial Strategy.

Cabinet is also required to set out its approach public consultation on the budget proposals.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/07/2022

Effective from: 04/08/2022



a) the proposed timetable for the development and adoption of the Medium Term Financial

Strategy and the 2023/24 budgets be approved; and

b) the proposed approach to the budget consultation is approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Joanne Moore, Rachael Hart

22/07/2022 - Implementation of Moving Traffic Enforcement ref: 8953    Recommendations Approved

To consider and approve the business case for the council to take on powers for moving traffic enforcement (MTE), noting that the business case is informed by statutory consultation and traffic surveys which provide an indication of the current scale of moving traffic offences locally.




To approve an application to the Department for Transport for enforcement powers, in relation to Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 (“TMA04”) which will enable the council to enforce specified moving traffic offences and help address concerns around congestion, highway safety and general amenity.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport

Decision published: 22/07/2022

Effective from: 29/07/2022



a)    Approval is given to the business case (Appendix 1) for taking on part 6 (Traffic Management Act 2004) powers  and the preferred service delivery model (Scenario 2) agreed for implementation with associated budgets;

b)    To approve, subject to approval of recommendation (a), the submission of an application to the Department for Transport (DfT) for making a Designation Order for the County of Herefordshire to enforce Moving Traffic Contraventions by camera under part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004;

c)    To approve the Parking and Moving Traffic Enforcement Policy as an amendment to the existing overarching Enforcement Policy, as provided in appendix 2; and

d)    To approve the delegation of all operational decisions, in relation to the recommendations set out in paragraphs (a),(b) and (c) above to the Interim Service Director for Highways and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for  Infrastructure and Transport and Chief finance officer


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: James Hughes

21/07/2022 - Procurement of new waste collection service ref: 8955    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks to agree the new service specification and approval to procure the new waste collection service. This follows the adoption of the council’s new Waste Management Strategy in July 2021 and the subsequent Cabinet decision to adopt a new waste collection model in November 2021.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 28/07/2022



a)    Cabinet approve the commencement of a competitive procurement process as required and as outlined in this report to procure the future service;


b)    Cabinet approve the inclusion and procurement of a separate cargo bike food waste collection service in the central Hereford City area;


c)     Authority is delegated to the Director of Resources and Assurance in consultation with Corporate Director Economy and Environment to approve the finalised draft service specification, and to take all operational decisions to award and mobilise the new collection contract subject to a successful procurement process;


d)    Authority is delegated to the Director of Resources and Assurance and the Corporate Director Economy and Environment following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Assets to negotiate an extension to the existing waste collection contract with FCC Environment until 3 June 2024, subject to securing Value for Money, in order to mitigate the risk of vehicle procurement lead times and to ensure an effective mobilisation period for the new waste collection service; and


e)    To delegate to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Corporate Director Economy and Environment authority to take all necessary steps to commence reprocuring the Waste Disposal Contract in the event that the due diligence process is incomplete or the due diligence process produces an unsatisfactory value for money outcome and to bring a further report to Cabinet in the event that is necessary.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ben Boswell

20/07/2022 - To approve the expenditure of up to £52,300 for the mobile removal works at Withington Primary School, Hereford. ref: 8970    Recommendations Approved

The mobile removal works at Withington Primary School, Hereford are
planned works included in the 2021-2023 Schools Capital Maintenance

To ensure all Council buildings are fit for purpose and maintained to the
standards set out in the condition survey to address suitability,
sustainability and affordability.

Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 20/07/2022

Lead officer: Ceri Morgan

21/07/2022 - Licence to occupy in respect of Units 1.04,1.05and 1.19, Shell Store, Hereford Enterprise Zone ref: 8969    Recommendations Approved

1. The Shell Store is owned by the Council, and has been developed to operate as a business incubation, development and networking Centre to stimulate business activity, with 40 units for rent.
2. The Shell Store units are envisaged as being occupied through easy in, easy out terms, through licence arrangements.
3. We want to encourage a full cohort of tenants in the building to create an income stream , to generate a positive atmosphere, stimulate networking and activity to stimulate further interest.

4.The terms agreed reflect market rents and the facilities on offer to tenants.
5.The prospective tenant has cleared appropriate checks.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 21/07/2022

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

21/07/2022 - Tenancy at Will in respect of unit 28, 2 Gomond Street Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford ref: 8968    Recommendations Approved

1. The Maylord Orchards Centre is now owned outright by the council as a strategic asset in the centre of Hereford.
2. The Centre comprises multiple retail units a number of which have been vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are increased so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are mitigated.
3. The Tenancy at Will will allow the tenant to occupy the property while a lease of the unit is finalized and so mitigate costs in terms of business rates and standing charges that the council will otherwise pay
4. The proposed tenant, a mobile phone retailer, and the terms for the letting have been recommended by the council’s agent Wright Silverwood.
5. This tenancy at the Centre will not prohibit that council from undertaking development at a future date.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 21/07/2022

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

21/07/2022 - Hereford Enterprise Zone – land transfer to Western Power Distribution for a new electricity substation base and giving rights of access to WPD to road access to and cables at Plot N4a, Festival Way Rotherwas ref: 8967    Recommendations Approved

The HEZ is implementing an electricity network in the northern part of the Zone in a series of locations. One such is Plot N4a where a new substation and necessary cables have been installed .

Approval for works which included the new substation on Plot N4a was given by the Solicitor to the Council and Acting Deputy Chief Executive on 21 March 2021.

In order to progress the powering up of the new electrical apparatus we need to provide the necessary legal security to Western Power ( WPD ) . WPD policy is to acquire the freehold for the base of their substations for a nominal sum with rights of access to allow them to maintain and repair those assets. Now that the installation work has been completed, the land transfer and relevant easements need to be progressed.
The substation is based on Council land , as are the cables serving the substation , Rights will also be given along the private roads owned by the Council to link up to the public highway.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 21/07/2022

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

18/07/2022 - Off Street Parking Places (Maylords Access) Order 2022 ref: 8966    Recommendations Approved

Following a number of complaints arising from the continued obstructive parking in the access to Maylords car park a Notice of Proposal was advertised on 28 April 2022 to restrict parking in the area.

The proposal to implement an off street parking order in this area, which directly leads to the car park, was advertised for 6 weeks and 0 objections were received.

Supportive statements were received by the management of Maylord Shopping Centre due to the impact that obstructive parking is having on the operation of their business.

This decision will bring into effect an Order in accordance with the statutory procedures where the council will be able to deploy enforcement officers to issue PCNs against offending vehicles that are left parked where signs inform them not to do so.

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 18/07/2022

Lead officer: Mark Averill

21/07/2022 - To give consent to Sustainable Ledbury for planting and maintenance of an area of public open space on the Town Trail, Ledbury, and the installation of an interpretation board ref: 8965    Recommendations Approved

To enable Sustainable Ledbury to plant/cultivate and maintain the open space as specified. An interpretation board will also be installed

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 21/07/2022

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

12/07/2022 - Wellington – draw down external funding ref: 8964    Recommendations Approved

The Environment Agency has approved the allocation of funding for the second year of their six year programme, including the Wellington hydraulic modelling study project.

Through Annex 7 of the public realm annual plan, BBLP support the council in its role as a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). This location was identified in Annex 7 2022/23 as being an area where investigative works are scheduled this year, subject to obtaining external funding. BBLP have identified the preferred approach of a hydraulic modelling study at Wellington.

The project will be delivered within this grant allocation of £35,000.

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 12/07/2022

Lead officer: Mark Averill

13/07/2022 - Surrender and renewal of lease at Colwall Library & Millennium Room ref: 8963    Recommendations Approved

• Current lease has less than 2 years unexpired and landlord wanted to secure council commitment for a longer period and to ensure continued good management of the building.
• A longer lease also gives the council increased security for continued service delivery from this setting.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 13/07/2022

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

20/07/2022 - Award of contract to undertake Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) & CCTV surveillance of Holme Lacy Road to inform detailed design of proposed Active Travel Measures (ATM) scheme. ref: 8962    Recommendations Approved

The HEZ and the council are looking to maximise active travel in and out of the
Rotherwas area; creating and supporting the implementation of a specific
Rotherwas Travel Plan. As investment and employment growth continues, it is
vital that the HEZ works within the Local Development Order (LDO) traffic cap,
minimising the impact of new development on peak time traffic through
encouraging continued uptake of cycling, walking and other ATM’s. The
development of improved active travel is also a priority for the council more
The detailed survey of utility services is essential to confirm that proposed
improvement designs can be installed safely without interfering with those
services, and where there are clashes to inform where modified designs should be
The Grant Funding Agreement (relating to HEZ activities) between the council and
Marches LEP (dated 23 October 2020 as varied on 26 March 2021) includes
milestones for the design and installation of a series of measures that implement
the Rotherwas Travel Plan and provide ways for people to access the HEZ more
sustainably. The appointment of Site Vision Surveys Limited supports this
outcome, and will use identified match funding (i.e. - HEZ Phase 5 funds) to
implement the decision. The results of the survey work can then be used to
inform the detailed design stage of the proposed Holme Lacy Road ATM’s.
The project was advertised via open tender using pro-contract. Six compliant
tenders were received and evaluated independently by two officers according to
both cost, quality and social value.
Site Vision Surveys Limited was ranked first with a tender price of £49,900.
On this basis, Site Vision Surveys have been identified as the preferred supplier to
deliver this work.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 20/07/2022

Lead officer: Ross Cook

21/07/2022 - Brookfield Special School Capital Improvement Programme – re-profile of spend ref: 8960    Recommendations Approved

To approve, in principle, the acceptance of the Department for Education (DfE) funding offer and re-profiled expenditure on The Brookfield Special School project pending a decision by full council.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 21/07/2022


a)    On approval of Full Council of an in-year adjustment to the capital programme, the council accepts the Department for Education funding offer towards the programme of capital improvements to The Brookfield Special School as agreed by Cabinet on 28 April 2020 to be completed within a re-profiled budget of £5m;


b)    Authority is delegated for procurement and award of contracts for the lifecycle of the project, informed by methodology advised by the council’s Commercial Services, to the Corporate Director Children and Young People;


c)    Cabinet recommends to full Council that an in-year adjustment is made to the capital programme;


d)    Authority is delegated to the Corporate Director Children and Young People and the S151 officer to agree the final terms of the grant from the Department for Education; and


e)    When negotiations have been concluded and terms agreed, authority is delegated to the Service Director Education, Skills & Learning to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Griffin

07/07/2022 - Lugwardine, A438 Pedestrian Crossing, Change in Scheme from Zebra Crossing to Pelican Crossing, removal of proposed footway and increase in budget for scheme. ref: 8971    For Determination

The decision to change the proposed scheme from a Zebra crossing to a Pelican was taken by the Engineering Team at a Design Decision Meeting 4th August 2021 supported by a Technical Note issued 1st October 2021 which concluded after considering traffic flows and speeds that a Pelican Crossing would be a safer option than the original proposed Zebra crossing.

The decision to remove the proposed footway was taken to reduce the scheme costs and remove the need for negotiation with land owners.

Reason for the Change:

A Cabinet Report published 26th May 2021 referred to a proposed Controlled Crossing and included a drawing showing a proposed Zebra Crossing and footway the current design is for a Pelican crossing and the proposed footway has been removed from the scheme.
The estimated Cost of the proposed Zebra Crossing was £150,000 the current estimate for the Pelican crossing is £211,989 including risk budget.

The decision to change the proposed scheme from a Zebra crossing to a Pelican was taken by the Engineering Team at a Design Decision Meeting 4th August 2021 supported by a Technical Note issued 1st October 2021 which concluded after considering traffic flows and speeds that a Pelican Crossing would be a safer option than the original proposed Zebra crossing.

The decision to remove the proposed footway was taken to reduce the scheme costs and remove the need for negotiation with land owners.

Key Stake Holders
St Mary’s school was made aware of the change from a zebra to a pelican crossing at a meeting held on 16th December 2021. No formal notes of this meeting have been provided.
Cllr Harrington was kept informed at meetings held 24th November 2021 and 13th May 2022.
No formal notes of these meetings have been provided.

The increase in costs are the result of:

a) Contractual cost have increased by £23,082. Original Contractor has withdrawn from the scheme. The second contractor, from a tendering process, has significantly increased mobilisation costs as they are based in Rugby.

b) Proximity to large trees have resulted in additional cost being incurred in carrying out tree survey work £3,374

c) Subsequent amendments to the scheme, construction of a retaining wall, may be required as a result of the tree survey could result in additional costs of £15,000

d) Balfour Beatty Living places have detailed risks that after mitigation have a residual risk budget for Herefordshire Council of £8,083

e) There is risk that the proposed crossing will not be operational in time for the start of the school year. The Delivery time for Signalling equipment is between 8 and 12 Weeks.
Temporary traffic signals would have to be used at a cost of £627.35 plus £790.78 per week – These may need to be in place for 6 Weeks at an estimated cost of £4671.93.

It is difficult to estimate the cost of changing the design from the proposed Zebra Crossing to the Pelican crossing as the Zebra crossing was not priced by the contractors.

The Total estimated costs is currently:
Current Known Scheme Costs
Scheme Design, Construction and Land Acquisition Costs £180,860
Tree Survey Costs £ 3,374
Total £184,234

Estimated Additional Costs
Allowances for additional costs, retaining wall, resulting from Tree Survey £15,000
Suggested risk budget (excluding retaining wall) £8,083
Possible Costs of Temporary Signals £4,672


Costs for this scheme were to be funded from two Section 106 agreements:

P140531/O & APP/W1850/A/14/2218385 –
Quarry Field, Cotts Lane, Lugwardine, Herefordshire
Providing sustainable transport infrastructure to serve the development and shall include any or all of the following facilities, Safer routes to schools, sustainable transport facilities, cycling/walking routes and traffic calming measures £54,794.16 (FIN1793)

P140757/0 and 161745/RM
Land East of Church House and West of A438 Bartestree Herefordshire
Any or all of the following sustainable transport initiatives and transport improvements, public transport facilities improvements to cycling and pedestrian facilities including off-road routes to and from Hereford City and its colleges widening of visibility splays and the entrance to the Bartestree village hall and playing fields. £118,862 (FIN1717)

There is an additional Section 106 Agreement that may be utilised to deliver this scheme.
P143720/O (subject to a deed of variation)
Land at Bartestree (parcel no 0008 & part 2308)
Bus waiting facilities pedestrian improvement, traffic calming and speeding measure, widening splay and entrance road to village hall and playing fields for safer egress and entry. £69,941 (FIN1801)

All three Section 106 Agreements have expiry dates in 2028.
Should the decision be taken to utilise this contribution there would be a maximum budget of £243,597.16

Decision Maker: Director of Resources and Assurance

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 07/07/2022

Lead officer: Justine Burnett

19/07/2022 - To approve the expenditure of up to £54,400.00 for the Condition Surveys at various Herefordshire schools. ref: 8961    For Determination

The Condition Surveys at various schools in Herefordshire are planned works included in the 2021-2023 Schools Capital Maintenance Programme.

To ensure all Council buildings are fit for purpose and maintained to the standards set out in the condition survey to address suitability, sustainability and affordability.

Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 19/07/2022

Lead officer: Ceri Morgan

21/07/2022 - High Needs Capital Grant: Barrs Court School ref: 8972    Recommendations Approved

To approve expenditure from the 2021/22 high needs capital grant to enable works to be undertaken at the Hub, Symonds Street to increase the pupil capacity at Barrs Court School. 


Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Children & Young People

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from: 22/07/2022


a)    £31,500 of capital spend from the 2021/22 high needs grant be allocated to improve the Symonds Street site so that Barrs Court School can accommodate additional pupils as from September 2022, and

b)    The Service Director for Education, Development and Skills be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary (as set out in 10 below)  to deliver the works.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Caroline Marshall, Ceri Morgan

14/07/2022 - Hereford City Centre Improvements – St Owen Street Traffic Regulation Orders ref: 8957    Recommendations Approved

• Hereford City Centre Improvements are designed to support the local economy and enhance the retail environment. The refurbishment scheme is contributing to the delivery of the Herefordshire Streetscape Strategy to create an attractive, vibrant city centre to help support existing businesses and create new opportunities to encourage more visitors and retailers.
• The Cabinet Member decision dated 7th October 2021 set out the budget for the St Owen St Cycle Contraflow Scheme. Decision - Hereford City Centre Improvements (HCCI) - Herefordshire Council
• The Herefordshire Council Local Transport Plan 2016 – 2031 includes the HCCI as a package of works to make the city a more attractive place to visit and to provide a pedestrian and cycle friendly environment. It is intended that there will be a benefit to wide range of people and groups within the business and resident community.
• The HCCI proposals also contribute to the County plan (2020 – 2024) and to the Herefordshire Council Delivery Plan 2020-2022.
• Transport and transport infrastructure are currently significant contributors to carbon emissions in both embodied and operational carbon. The St Owen St improvements provide an opportunity to support a mode shift from cars to public transport, walking and cycling through enhanced provisions for these alternative modes. This will make the access to and circulation within this area more attractive for non-car modes, whilst maintaining provision for those for whom car use is essential.
• The St Owen St cycle contraflow will provide a key element of improved cycle access into the city centre from the north east quadrant, thus supporting the reduction on short journey car trips in this area.
• The existing traffic data identifies there is already a considerable number of cycles contravening the one way order and contraflow cycling along St Owen Street.
• The scheme design therefore includes vertical traffic calming measures to help reduce traffic speeds and to provide two at-level informal crossings for pedestrians. The loading and parking places have also been redesigned to be parallel to kerb, to minimise the need for reversing movements.
• The St Owen St Cycle Contraflow scheme has been developed over a number of years and has been developed with input from a group of key local stakeholders as well as an informal public consultation. The scheme was progressed to statutory consultation on the TROs in 2019 as part of the HCCI programme but was not progressed to delivery at that point.
• The design developed for St Owen St previously which was subject to extensive public and stakeholder consultation during its development was then modified to bring in line with LTN 1/20.
• The revised scheme was then subject to a further statutory consultation (results of which can be found in Appendix 1)
• The Herefordshire Council Local Transport Plan 2016 – 2031 includes the HCCI as a package of works to make the city a more attractive place to visit and to provide a pedestrian and cycle friendly environment. It is intended that there will be a benefit to wide range of people and groups within the business and resident community.
• An increased modal shift to walking and cycling for trips to and from the city centre will also support an improvement in air quality in this area. The St Owen St improvements by providing a direct cycle route into the city centre will reduce cyclists exposure to air pollution on the current the high volume routes on Bath St and Blueschool St within the air quality management zone.
• Contraflow cycling is a well established approach to providing cycle routes within urban environments and features within the new LTN 1/20 cycle infrastructure design in line with the DfT guidance.
• The scheme has been subject to a stage 2 Road Safety Audit (RSA) and will be subject to a further stage 3 RSA following construction.
• It is considered that the loss of 2 parking spaces (and no disabled bays) to deliver an active travel improvement scheme is in line with the adopted strategy.
• The decision to include the St Owen St cycle contraflow scheme in the HCCI programme and the budget allocated to this, was on the basis that the scheme previously developed be taken forward modified to bring it in line with the new LTN 1/20 guidance. To bring forward a lesser or more substantial scheme with public realm improvements at St Peter Square and a new approach to the junction at St Owen St and Bath St would require more extensive re-design and in the case of a more substantial scheme, further surveys traffic modelling and public consultation. This would mean the scheme would not be deliverable within the existing funding budgets and timelines and would further delay the implementation of active travel improvements in Hereford
• The delivery of St Owen St cycle contraflow project will be commissioned through the Balfour Beatty Living Places (BBLP) public realm contract. This procurement route has been identified to achieve the timescales associated with the funding agreement and for continuity through knowledge of the scheme that BBLP already have. BBLP will undertake a competitive subcontract tender process to appoint a sub contractor to support the delivery of the works. Herefordshire Council’s Contract Management Team will manage the BBLP contract and ensure that value for money is provided. A decision to allocate £126,000 of the £700,000 available budget for design, preparation of construction information, preparation of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and providing statutory consultation, and procurement of a contractor for the construction of the St Owen Street cycle contraflow was made on 15th March 2022.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Decision published: 18/07/2022

Effective from: 14/07/2022

Lead officer: Ross Cook

15/07/2022 - Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Annual Work Plan 2022-2023    Recommendations Approved

This report presents the Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Annual Work Plan 2022-2023, drawn up in consultation with members of the committee, now for review and agreement by the committee.

Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 22/07/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Carr

Notice of decision: 15/07/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/07/2022 - Role and Objectives of the Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee    Recommendations Approved

This report provides a summary of the role of scrutiny committee, in accordance with the Herefordshire Council Constitution and the key strategic objectives for the committee, in accordance with the overall strategic objectives for scrutiny agreed by the Scrutiny Management Board on 16th June 2022.

Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 22/07/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Carr

Notice of decision: 15/07/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/07/2022 - Re-allocation of approved capital budget ref: 8954    Recommendations Approved

To approve reallocation of existing capital funding for fire precaution work at Maylord and Widemarsh car parks and for landscaping work at St. Katherines, Ledbury and essential building works at the Town Hall.

Decision Maker: Chief finance officer

Decision published: 15/07/2022

Effective from: 22/07/2022



a) £350k of the approved, but un-committed estate capital programme 2020/21 funding for fire suppression work which was not undertaken is reallocated to fire precaution works at Maylord underground and Widemarsh multi-storey car parks and


b) £55k pf the approved, but uncommitted estate capital programme 2019-22 funding for plough lane car park resurfacing work which was not undertaken is reallocated to landscaping works at the Master House, St Katherines, Ledbury:


c) £150k of the approved but uncommitted estate capital programme 2019/22 funding is allocated to essential maintenance works to redress water ingress and dry rot at the Town Hall further to tenders received.


d) In consultation with the Director of Resources and Assurance the Deputy S151 Officer be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above recommendations within the approved budget

Lead officer: GianCarlo Paganuzzi

12/05/2022 - Decision to prosecute an individual for a waste duty of care offence. Leominster West. 12.05.22 ref: 8951    Recommendations Approved

To prosecute one defendant under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 34.

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 12/05/2022

Lead officer: Marc Willimont

13/06/2022 - Approval of street trading application - A438 layby pitch near Tarrington ref: 8950    Recommendations Approved

•This is a previously used trading site
•Trading times, unit and product range all deemed suitable.
•Applicant deemed suitable.

Decision Maker: Head of Public Protection

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 13/06/2022

Lead officer: Marc Willimont

12/05/2022 - Approval of street trading application - A4103 layby pitch near Withington ref: 8949    Recommendations Approved

• This is a previously used trading site
• Trading times, unit and product range all deemed suitable.
• Applicant deemed suitable.

Decision Maker: Head of Public Protection

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 12/05/2022

Lead officer: Marc Willimont

07/07/2022 - to support families with children entitled to free school meals by providing food vouchers during the School Summer Holidays 2022 ref: 8948    Recommendations Approved

The free school meal system is an important component of the support that is provided to low-income families. Providing vouchers in the school holidays for children entitled to free school meals is an extension to this support and will benefit over 4,500 children. Through this proposal, primary and secondary aged school pupils who are eligible for benefits related free school meals will receive a food voucher of £90, equivalent to £15 for each full week of the 2022 summer holidays.

Consumer prices, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rose by 9.1% in the 12 months to May 2022, up from 9.0% in April. The Bank of England expects inflation to rise further to around 10% this year. There have been significant increases in the price of energy and food and this is likely to increase with a further rise in the price cap on energy in October 2022. Low-income households spend a larger proportion than average on energy and food so will be more affected by price increases.

Herefordshire Council has received an allocation of £1,329,601.78 from the Department for Work and Pensions under the Household Support Fund. The expectation is that the funding should be used primarily to support households in the most need, particularly those including children and pensioners who would otherwise struggle with energy, food and water bills as well as other essential costs. At least one third of the allocation should be ring-fenced to support vulnerable households with children.

By utilising the funding from government, this will have a positive impact on low income families and child poverty by minimising the debt burden on those that struggle to pay essential bills.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources and Assurance

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 07/07/2022

Lead officer: Andrew Lovegrove

06/07/2022 - To approve the expenditure of up to £81,500k for the ventilation works at various Herefordshire primary schools. ref: 8947    Recommendations Approved

The ventilation works at various primary schools in Herefordshire are
planned works included in the 2021-2023 Schools Capital Maintenance
To ensure all Council buildings are fit for purpose and maintained to the
standards set out in the condition survey to address suitability,
sustainability and affordability.

Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 06/07/2022

Lead officer: Ceri Morgan

23/06/2022 - To approve the expenditure of up to £52,250 for the fascia boards, soffits & rainwater goods replacement works at St Martin’s Primary School, Hereford. ref: 8945    Recommendations Approved

The fascia boards, soffits & rainwater goods replacement works at St
Martin’s Primary School, Hereford are planned works included in the
2021-2023 Schools Capital Maintenance Programme.
To ensure all Council buildings are fit for purpose and maintained to the
standards set out in the condition survey to address suitability,
sustainability and affordability.

Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 23/06/2022

Lead officer: Ceri Morgan

14/07/2022 - Agreement of rent reviews in respect of various properties held within the council’s commercial property portfolio ref: 8944    Recommendations Approved

1. The properties are owned by the council as part of its property investment portfolio held to deliver optimum commercial returns through rental income which is used to support the council’s strategic objectives in line with the County Plan 2020 – 2024.
2. In 2021 the council appointed Messrs JNA Property Ltd, Chartered Surveyors (JNA) under a contract for the provision of estates professional services including rent reviews.
3. The contract was awarded in consultation with the procurement team and in line with the council’s procurement rules and accordingly JNA were instructed.
4. JNA have surveyed the properties, reviewed the level of market rents achievable in this location and made justified recommendations on the appropriate level of rent to be agreed.
5. Provisional agreement, subject to formal approval, has been reached with the tenants.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 14/07/2022

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

14/07/2022 - Grant of new leases in respect of various units held within the council’s commercial property portfolio ref: 8943    Recommendations Approved

1. The properties are owned by the council as part of its property investment portfolio held to deliver optimum commercial returns through rental income which is used to support the council’s strategic objectives in line with the County Plan 2020 – 2024.
2. In 2021 the council appointed Messrs JNA Property Ltd, Chartered Surveyors (JNA) under a contract for the provision of estates professional services including lease renewals and the negotiation of new leases where properties were occupied under Tenancies at Will or Licences.
3. The contract was awarded in consultation with the procurement team and in line with the council’s procurement rules and accordingly JNA were instructed to negotiate the terms of a new lease with the existing occupier.
4. JNA have surveyed the properties, reviewed the level of market rents achievable in this location and made justified recommendations on the terms of the lease and the level of rent to be negotiated
5. Provisional agreement, subject to formal approval, has been reached with the current occupiers for a new lease.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 14/07/2022

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

07/07/2022 - Granting a lease of Franklin House & 61 Blueschool Street to Wye Valley NHS Trust ref: 8942    Recommendations Approved

• Tenant already in occupation, previous lease has expired.
• Commercial terms have been agreed for a new lease.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 07/07/2022

Lead officer: Suzanne Garlick

07/07/2022 - To grant landlord’s consent for installation of trim trail around perimeter of playing field at Fownhope CE Primary School ref: 8941    Recommendations Approved

• The school has requested landlord’s consent to erect a trim trail around the perimeter of the playing field to help support sport and activity.
• This is a retrospective application.
• The equipment has been supplied by a firm specialising in sports and activity trails and equipment. The total length is 24 m, placed a bend, to a maximum height of 2.8 m and constructed mainly of timber and rope.
• The placement is away from fencing, with benches or seating space used to create more room around the equipment and is away from neighbour’s gardens. The structure has been fitted into well maintained grass, and is movable if required (no permanent base is being installed)
• No useful sports field areas will be lost.

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 07/07/2022

Lead officer: Suzanne Garlick

05/07/2022 - Tenancy at Will to Barry Williams of Office 7, The Old Police Station, Kington ref: 8940    Recommendations Approved

Single office in business unit to be let on flexible terms until the future ownership of the main building is resolved

Decision Maker: Acting Head of Property (Historic)

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 05/07/2022

Lead officer: Suzanne Garlick

15/03/2022 - To commission activities in relation to Hereford City Centre Improvement (HCCI) ref: 8939    Recommendations Approved

The above works are to be commissioned through the Council’s public realm contract with Balfour Beatty Living Places (BBLP) as outlined within the 7 October 2021 Cabinet Member decision report which can be viewed using the following link:

Provisional allocations for budgeting purposes are a high level indicative outline of potential costs in advance of detailed design being undertaken and are subject to refinement during each of the design phases in accordance with normal project methodology. The refinement process often creates a need to reallocate resources and redefine project scope. This decision is an update of those processes.

High Town Minor Works –
The HCCI project budget included a provisional estimate for High Town minor works of £211,642.

The works are intended to reduce ponding in bad weather and to preserve the longer-term lifespan of the asset.
The following estimates for phase 1 are set out below:
Design and procurement (including retained risk) £58,669.76
Construction and materials (including retained risk) £150,000
Total for Phase 1 £208,669.76

A proposal has recently been received for the reconstruction of the damaged black granite feature strips with brass lettering, however, this is currently being reviewed. This will be subject to a further decision if a decision to construct is progressed.

Further work is being undertaken in relation to a second phase covering St Peter’s Street which will be the subject of a further record of officer decision.

St Owen Street Contraflow-

The agreed indicative budget within the HCCI project for St Owen St cycle contraflow is £700,000. Design and procurement of the work is being undertaken by BBLP under the Public Realm Term Contract. This includes an allowance for a GPR survey and coring to add certainty to the design and mitigate the risk of construction delay and changes. BBLP will also carry out the legal administrative TRO process. Approval for a budget of £126,000 is requested which includes a retained contingency for risk.

A recent condition survey of St Owen St has identified the failure of the existing carriageway construction to various degrees along the length and the road will need to be reconstructed before the project can proceed. This will be the subject of a further RoOD.

Widemarsh Street –

The HCCI decision of 7 October 2021 set out that Widemarsh St has an indicative budget of £715,000. Approval is sought for an initial amount of £130,000 for detailed design, surveys, initial material order and HC retained risk, this will identify more precise costs than are presently available.

All options for the enhancement of Widemarsh St, particularly the kerb are being explored. The resulting solution will be subject to stakeholder consultation before a further governance decision is taken.

City Trees-
The Council has decided to purchase x3 City trees to significantly improve air quality in known pollution hotspots. The project was initially scheduled for 2023 and has been brought forward and this decision will include it within the BBLP commission.

The HCCI decision of 7 October 2021 set out that City Trees would have an indicative allocation of £320,000. The officer decision of 16 November 2021 allocated a budget to BBLP for initial scoping. Approval is now sought for the commissioning of the design, construction of foundation and installation/delivery of the City trees to increase the BBLP commission to a total value of £123,200. The design and construction element includes complex road safety assessments, liaison with statutory undertakers and the provision of water and power to the City Trees.

St Owen’s Street cycle contraflow including risk contingency. Approved Budget £700,000. Initial Budget Requested £126,000

Widemarsh Street. Approved Budget £715,000. Initial Budget Requested £130,000. Future scheme subject to future governance.

City Trees, foundation and installation. Approved Budget £320,000. Initial Budget Requested £123,200

Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 15/03/2022

Lead officer: Susan White

21/04/2022 - Decision to directly award Hereford Voluntary Organisation Support Services (HVOSS) with a contract to continue to deliver voluntary and community sector support in Herefordshire ref: 8931    Recommendations Approved

HVOSS currently provide a service to the community, for which they have an established brand and reputation. Substantial work has been undertaken to develop the service and HVOSS have a clear understanding of development areas across Herefordshire.
The original contract was commissioned at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic and the specification was developed with some urgency and in response to the council’s commitment to invest in the sector and further develop the Talk Community programme and building on the work of communities during the floods and Covid-19 crisis. The contract detailed aims and objectives based on the needs of the sector, Talk Community and understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic at that time. The impact of COVID-19 on Herefordshire and the UK has continued beyond initial expectations of the first wave with subsequent waves placing additional pressures on the community and voluntary sector. Work planned by the provider to meet the contract aims and objectives was deferred with resources focused on the recruitment and coordination of COVID-19 Emergency Response and Vaccine Clinics volunteers. Meetings were held virtually, the main office closed due to required national and local lockdowns removing the ability to achieve some of the contracts main aims including those focused on income generation and volunteer capacity. These objectives have been specifically hampered by the interruptions to services during the COVID-19 lockdown and social restriction period.
The council is clear that there is an ongoing need to support the development and resilience of community and voluntary organisations, in addition to the work of Talk Community and the developing Integrated Care Systems. Therefore a new approach is being developed in conjunction with Talk Community, to build on progress made under the current contract and consider recommendations outlined in the Council’s commissioned State of the Sector report. This will enable HVOSS to further establish work with key stakeholders and develop the market, following a challenging period of time navigating the additional pressures bought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the central strategic voice for the sector across Herefordshire, HVOSS will provide continuity and consistency to support the sector both recover from these challenges and widen its reach through the ongoing and prolonged recovery period.

Decision Maker: Interim Assistant Director, All Ages Commissioning

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 21/04/2022

Lead officer: Ewen Archibald

14/07/2022 - Herefordshire Natural Flood Management Project – Contract Award ref: 8938    Recommendations Approved

It was identified within the Business Case for our Natural Flood Management Project that delivery on the ground will largely be through the deployment of Catchment Advisors into the priority sub-catchments. Following on from the success of our pilot project, Catchment Advisors will be engaging with landowners and communities to help advise them on how they can implement NFM measures on their land.

A council compliant procurement exercise has been completed for Catchment Advisors, this decision is to award the contract. The tender is for the period of 1 September 2022 (anticipated contract commencement date) to 31 March 2027 and the tender price is £499,852.

The amount of PMO support required for this Project is minimal and likely to be up to 1 day per month.

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 14/07/2022

Lead officer: Mark Averill

14/07/2022 - To commission activities in relation to Hereford City Centre Improvement (HCCI) ref: 8946    Recommendations Approved

a)To authorise the making and implementation of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) proposing movement restriction changes in St Owen Street, St Peter’s Square, Mill Street and Green Street (as shown on the TRO Plan at Appendix 1)
b)To authorise the making and implementation of the TRO for new arrangements of waiting, loading and parking restrictions in Cantilupe Street, St Owen Street, St Peter’s Square and Mill Street (as shown on the TRO Plan at Appendix 1)
c)To authorise the implementation of the provision of vertical traffic calming measures, in St Owen Street and at its junction with Cantilupe Street/Ethelbert Street (as shown on the Traffic Calming Plan at Appendix 1)
d)To authorise the implementation of the shared footway designation with a proposed change to the pedestrian crossing facility at the junction of Bath Street, Mill Street and St Owen Street (see Appendix 1).

Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Decision published: 14/07/2022

Effective from: 14/07/2022

Lead officer: Ross Cook

12/07/2022 - Task and Finish Group Report: The Impact of the Intensive Poultry Industry on Human Health and Wellbeing    Item Deferred

To report the outcomes and recommendations of the Task and Finish Group on ‘The Impact of the Intensive Poultry Industry on Human Health and Wellbeing'.  The committee will be invited to consider the outcomes from the task and finish group and to decide if the recommendations should be submitted to the Cabinet.

Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 22/07/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ben Baugh, Simon Cann

Notice of decision: 12/07/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

12/07/2022 - Leaders report to Council

To provide an update on the work of the Cabinet since the meeting of Council held on 4 March, 2022.

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 29/07/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: John Coleman

Notice of decision: 12/07/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

18/02/2022 - To award a contract to Tile Hill for the provision of one-off executive recruitment services following a competitive procurement process ref: 8936    Recommendations Approved

The council has recently created 4 new permanent Service Director posts in its Economy and Environment, and Children & Young People directorates as part of the senior leadership restructure. The posts are:

• Service Director, Social Care
• Service Director, Performance and Challenge
• Service Director, Economy and Regulatory
• Service Director, Environment, Highways and Waste

These 4 posts are key, permanent appointments and it is crucial that the council does its upmost to attract quality, experienced candidates in order to ensure delivery of the council’s priorities in its Economy and Environment and Children & Young People directorates.

Decision Maker: Director of HR & OD

Decision published: 11/07/2022

Effective from: 18/02/2022

Lead officer: Tracey Sampson

11/07/2022 - 2021/22 Draft Statement of Accounts

The Audit and Governance Committee are asked note, and comment on as appropriate, the draft, unaudited, Statement of Accounts for 2021/22.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 25/07/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Collette Sutton

Notice of decision: 11/07/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

27/06/2022 - Work programme update ref: 8934    Information Only

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Made at meeting: 27/06/2022 - Audit and Governance Committee

Decision published: 11/07/2022

Effective from: 27/06/2022


The work programme for the committee was considered.  It was noted that the deferred ‘Update on Internal Audit Recommendations’ item would considered at the 27 July 2022 meeting and the ‘Draft Annual Governance Statement’ item was now expected at the 19 September 2022 meeting.


RESOLVED:   That the updated work programme be agreed.