
Forthcoming decisions
Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Recommendations of the Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee: Nutrient Management Board06/02/2024For Determination29/02/2024
Community-based support services – recommendations from Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee01/02/2024For Determination29/02/2024
Council Tax Premiums on Second Homes & Empty Properties30/01/2024For Determination09/02/2024
External Audit Progress Report and Sector Update19/01/2024For Determination30/01/2024
Children and Young People directorate budget task and finish group19/01/2024For Determination23/01/2024
Internal Audit Update Report Quarter 3 2023-2418/01/2024For Determination30/01/2024
Update to Finance and Contract Procedure Rules18/01/2024For Determination30/01/2024
External Auditor's Annual Report 2022/2318/01/2024For Determination30/01/2024
2024/25 Council Tax Reduction Scheme17/01/2024For Determination09/02/2024