Issue - decisions

Accommodation based support for children in care and care leavers aged 16-25

11/11/2024 - Accommodation based support for children in care and care leavers aged 16-25



a)    the commissioning of an accommodation based support service through an open procurement process be approved, for a period of up to 60 months, commencing from the end of the previous contract on 1 April 2025 up to 31 March 2030 with a maximum total cost of £1,864,765 across 60 months;


b)    authority be delegated to the Corporate Director, Children’s and Young People to award a contract for an accommodation based support service, following the completion of a procurement process and;


c)     that delegated authority is given to the Corporate Director, Children’s and Young People to approve any changes to the commissioning process, or subsequent contracts for their duration, including the option to extend, vary and terminate existing contracts.