Issue - decisions

Grant acceptance and purchase of accommodation to address gaps in homelessness pathway provision: additional funding

20/05/2024 - Grant acceptance and purchase of accommodation to address gaps in homelessness pathway provision: additional funding



a) The Cabinet Member accepts the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities additional capital grant of £460,000 for the purpose of purchasing an additional minimum of five properties and a revenue grant of £124,899 for dedicated support workers and associated services;


b) Authority for acquisition of the properties and all associated operational decisions needed in respect to the grants in recommendation a) including authority to award contracts for improvement works and the negotiation of the lease to a housing provider be delegated to the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing;


c) Delegates acceptance to the S151 officer (in consultation with the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing) in respect to any future grant funding received from central government that becomes available under substantially the similar conditions as SHAP; and


d) Delegates to the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing authority to utilise such grant for the purposes that the grant was provided including that in recommendation b).