Issue - decisions

Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Transfer Agreement

08/03/2024 - Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Transfer Agreement


a)    The Marches Joint Committee approve the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Transfer Agreement;


b)    The Marches Joint Committee delegate to the respective constituent Local Authority’s Corporate Director for Economy and Environment/ Executive Directors:


i.                To make any minor amendments in finalising and to sign the Transfer Agreement on behalf of their respective council,

ii.              To extend the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee as set out in Appendix 1 to include determining arrangements for ongoing oversight and management of the transferring functions and projects

iii.             To enter into a further agreement to reflect that the benefit and obligations under the Transfer Agreement are shared equitably between the councils from the Transfer Date based on the principles in paragraph 10 of this report AND provides a framework for future collaboration for economic functions should the Joint Committee require it.