Issue - decisions

Student Accommodation in Hereford City

29/02/2024 - Student Accommodation in Hereford City



a)    The Cabinet Member for Community Services and Assets approves the spend of up to £253,679, using both 2023/24 and 2024/25 revenue budgets and reserves to be used to develop student accommodation across Hereford City, as detailed in the resources table in section 20;


b)    The Cabinet Member for Community Services and Assets authorises entering           into contract up to the value of £200,000 with a development partner following a compliant tender process to prepare a full business case and to take both sites up to and including Riba Stage 3 so further governance decisions can be made in relation to developing student accommodation;


c)     The Cabinet Member for Community Services and Assets delegates all operational decisions to the Director of Resources and Assurance to complete the above recommendations