Issue - decisions

2024/25 Draft Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update

14/12/2023 - 2024/25 Draft Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update

That: Cabinet


(A)  Recommends the following to Council

                  I.           To approve the revised capital programme for 2024/25 attached at appendix C; and

                II.           Approve the capital strategy at appendix D.

(B)  For (i) the land assets listed in paragraph 14 of this Report and (ii) all further small land assets or building with an individual valuation of £500k and under, delegates:

                  i.           to the section 151 officer to undertake an options analysis in relation to each land asset; and

                ii.           to the Cabinet Member for Community Services & Assets to consider the options and decide whether to retain or dispose of each land asset in each case to ensure that the Council maximises the capital receipt for the land asset or that the decision aligns with the Councils strategic priorities or functions