Issue - decisions

Procurement of new waste collection service - update

10/10/2023 - Procurement of new waste collection service - update



a)      Cabinet approves the delivery of the Waste Management Strategy objectives and environmental improvements, by continuing the procurement process for the provision of a waste collection service under the existing collection model, within the proposed 2024/25 annual revenue budget, for an initial term of 8 years, including options to extend by up to a further 12 years (following budget approval);


b)      Cabinet approves a phased implementation of the new collection model and that the procurement process should include a mechanism within the contract to enable the services to transition to:


i.             a three weekly, twin stream recycling service,


ii.            introduce a weekly food waste collection service and:


iii.      introduce a non-mandatory, seasonable, two weekly, chargeable garden waste service;


c)      Cabinet confirms that the remaining aspects of the future collection service, as set out in b), are introduced at the appropriate time, subject to funding, legal responsibilities and approved business case(s);


d)      Approval to spend up to £12.29m to purchase the new waste collection fleet, in consultation with the Director of Resources and Assurance;


e)      Delegate all operational decisions in order to implement the above recommendations to the Corporate Director for Economy and Environment, in consultation with the Director of Resources and Assurance;


f)       Delegates, to the Corporate Director for Economy and Environment, in consultation with the Director of Resources and Assurance the authority to negotiate and enter into a deed of variation to the Waste Disposal contract to accommodate the above recommendations as required; and


g)      The decision to award the contract to the successful bidder will be subject to a final decision of Cabinet.