Issue - decisions

Q2 Budget Report

23/11/2023 - Q2 Budget Report

That Cabinet:


a) Review the financial forecast for 2023/24, as set out in the appendices A-D, and identifies any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvements;


b) Note the forecast revenue outturn position at Quarter 2 2023/24 of a £13.8 million overspend, before management action, and the potential impact of this overspend on the council’s reserves;


c) Note the impact of the 2023/24 forecast outturn on the 2024/25 budget requirement and the future financial sustainability of the council;


d) Request that Scrutiny Management Board reviews the budget monitoring position and that relevant Cabinet Members provide explanation for key variances and actions identified to address key pressures; and


e) Agree the continuation and strengthening of management actions to reduce the forecast overspend as identified in this report.