Issue - decisions

Report to seek decision on recommended route to deliver registered residential children home provision in county for children and young people 11-18

23/11/2023 - Report to seek decision on recommended route to deliver registered residential children home provision in county for children and young people 11-18

That Cabinet:


a) Approve the commissioning of two, two bedroomed children`s residential homes within Herefordshire, through a procurement exercise up the maximum projected value of £1.3 million annually and £6.3million over a maximum of five years (3yrs with potential extension of 1 year + 1 year) which will provide local placements to four children aged 11-18);


b) Delegate authority to the Corporate Director - Children and Young People to approve all tender documentation;


c) Delegate authority to the Corporate Director – Children and Young People, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Children and Young People, to enter into a contract with the preferred Supplier following the tender exercise;


d) Following Political Group Consultation, approve officers to undertake work to also consider the option to develop an in house provision to further increase local sufficiency for children’s placements. This will require sourcing accommodation via a capital bid, a report will come back to Cabinet at a later date.