Issue - decisions

Peterchurch Primary School Rebuild

27/10/2022 - Peterchurch Primary School Rebuild


(a)           Planning permission be sought for the rebuild of Peterchurch Primary School on its current site;

(b)           Subject to securing planning consent, the rebuild of Peterchurch Primary School, at a capacity of 140 pupils plus 26 nursery places, and to include provision of a nurture hub be approved within a budget of £10.853m including fees and contingency;

(c)           A period of 12 months is allowed for the school and Parish Council to seek a viable arrangement to fund and maintain a new replacement swimming pool, with delegated authority given to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with Corporate Director, Children and Young People and Cabinet Members for Commissioning, Procurement and Assets and Children’s and Family Services, and Young People’s Attainment, to consider and decide any business case put forward;

(d)           In the absence of a viable business case in recommendation (c), the demolition and making good of the swimming pool site be approved within the budget;

(e)           Delegated responsibility for award of procured contracts for the lifecycle of the project, is given to the Corporate Director, Children and Young People; and

(f)            The Service Director, Education, Skills and Learning, be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above.